Primary/Background Color
For Print
CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0
For Digital
RGB: 255, 255, 255
Secondary Color
Pantone 286C
For Print
Spot color preferred
CMYK: 100, 80, 0, 12
For Digital
RGB: 0, 51, 160
Hex: #0033A0
For Embroidery
Maderia: 1134
Robinson Anton: 2302
Secondary and Accent Colors
Accent colors may be used in addition provided that they are used in small amounts (20% or less). Refer to the color breakdown below for greater detail.
Lightest Gray
CMYK: 2, 1, 2, 0 RGB: 246, 247, 249 HEX: #f6f7f9
CMYK: 100, 92, 31, 31 RGB: 0, 31, 96 HEX: #001f60
Color Breakdown
The Unbridled color palette showcasing the usage of the primary colors.