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Writing Tips and Tricks

Referencing the Campaign Name

When referencing the campaign in copy, the first/formal is always preferred for accuracy. As space becomes constrained, or for multiple instances, the second or informal campaign name may
be used.

  • First/Formal Reference: Unbridled: The Campaign for Boise State University
  • Second Reference: The Unbridled campaign
  • Informal Reference: The campaign

Social Media Hashtags

The official hashtag for the Unbridled campaign is #UNBRIDLED (all UPPERCASE). This hashtag must always be coupled with #BoiseState and #BroncosGive. For example:

Screenshot of a social media post showing the use of the Unbridled hashtag

Write boldly.

A campaign name like ‘Unbridled’ deserves similarly bold copy. Don’t be afraid to write confident, undaunted, and gutsy headlines.

Show what ‘Unbridled’ means.

What does being ‘Unbridled’ look like for our students, faculty, staff, alumni, the city of Boise, and Idaho at large?

  • Tell stories that portray relentless innovation, overcoming obstacles and challenges, and thinking outside the box.
  • Write copy that expands on what ‘Unbridled’ means in practical application (i.e., “unleash the future”).
  • Use words that tap into a similar spirit or vein, like unleashed, unbounded, freefearless, boldly, relentless,
    tenacious, daring.

Focus on impact.

What impact has Boise State had on its community and the state of Idaho? Speak to direct connections between the work Boise State does and the effect it has, from scholarships and student support to rural impact programs.

Focus on the future.

Inspire, encourage, and empower target audiences by speaking to what is possible, what we’re working towards, and how they can help bring it to fruition.