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BME laboratories at Boise State

 Photo of the Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Laboratory - links to website

Advanced Nanomaterials and Manufacturing Lab (ANML)

Director: Dr. David Estrada
Location: ERB 2112
The ANML synthesizes nanoscale building blocks for the design of materials, devices, and systems with applications in the healthcare, defense, and energy sectors.

Beard Microvascular Pathology Lab

Director: Dr. Richard Beard
The mission of this lab is to significantly contribute to a better understanding of the causes and consequences of small blood vessel pathologies in disease


Biomaterial & Musculoskeletal Engineering Lab (BMEL)

Director: Dr. Sophia Theodossiou
The BMEL uses custom biomaterials and 3D culture systems to understand how mechanical and biochemical signals control cell development and disease, with the goal of regenerating musculoskeletal tissues to treat muscle, tendon, cartilage, and bone pathologies.

Photo of the Biomolecular Research Center - links to website

Biomolecular Research Center (BRC)

Director: Dr. Julia Oxford
Location: MATH 225
The focus of the BRC is to characterize biomolecules and their role in a variety of biomedical and environmental processes.

a bably crawling on the floor, smiling

Boise Applied Biomechanics of Infants Laboratory

Director: Dr. Erin Mannen
The goal of our research is to understand how infant biomechanics impacts musculoskeletal development and safety. Specifically, our team hopes to improve understanding and treatment of infant hip dysplasia and abnormal spine development, and seek to understand how common baby gear impacts infant movement and safety.

Photo of the Cantley Research Group - links to website

Cantley Research Group (CRG)

Director: Dr. Kurtis Cantley
Location: RUCH 109
Our group investigates the unique properties and capabilities of electronic neural networks and neuromorphic architectures through simulation, fabrication, and electrical characterization.

Photo of the Center for Orthopaedic & Biomechanics Research - links to website

Center for Orthopaedic and Biomechanics Research (COBR)

Director: Dr. Tyler Brown
Location: Ron & Linda Yanke Family Research Park
The COBR investigates the mechanical and neuromuscular characteristics of human movement through basic science, engineering, clinical research and education.

Photo of the Computational Biosciences Laboratory - links to website

Computational Biosciences Lab (CBL)

Director: Dr. Clare Fitzpatrick
Location: MEC 402
The CBL develops computational models to understand the mechanisms of disease, injury and degeneration, and to help design targeted treatment options and surgical interventions to address clinical issues and athletic performance.

Photo of the Human Performance Laboratory - links to website

Human Performance Lab (HPL)

Director: Dr. Shawn Simonson
Location: NORCO Building 1st Floor
The HPL explores and evaluates the factors and limits of human performance to educate students and practitioners and enhance human well being.

Low-Power Integrated Circuits and Embedded Systems Laboratory logo

Low Power Integrated Circuits and Embedded Systems (LPiNS-Lab)

Director: Dr. Omiya Hassan
LPiNS Laboratory’s research goal is to use low-power algorithms, design methods, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to model and design energy-efficient integrated circuits and computer hardware architectures.

Photo of the Mechanical Adaptations Laboratory - links to website

Mechanical Adaptations Lab (MAL)

Director: Dr. Gunes Uzer
Location: MEC 313 and MEC 313A
Research in the MAL investigates how changes in the tissue environment, in relation to exercise, injury, aging and disuse regulate structural adaptations in cells and tissue.

Photo of the Northwest Tissue Mechanics Laboratory - links to website

Northwest Tissue Mechanics Lab (NTM)

Director: Dr. Trevor Lujan
Location: MEC 314
A core focus of the NTM lab is to investigate how musculoskeletal tissue responds to force during injury and repair and to then translate this research into innovative biomedical technology.