The mission of The Blue Review is to promote scholarship in the public interest. We publish high-quality work by academics, public intellectuals, practitioners and others with the goal of reaching and serving the broader public. We strive for independence, transparency and collaboration and set high editorial standards. The Blue Review is a project of the Boise State University School of Public Service, embracing the university’s state-mandated public affairs mission. Opinions presented in articles published by The Blue Review are solely those of the authors. They do not represent the opinions of the School of Public Service or Boise State University. Editorials and opinion pieces are always marked as such, while longer-length features are expected to draw on acceptable standards of evidence and argumentation. We welcome the republication of our materials on other sites, provided those sites follow our republication guidelines (see Writer’s Guidelines for more information).
Boise State University School of Public Service
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Andrew Giacomazzi
email Andrew Giacomazzi