Doctor of Philosophy in Biomolecular Sciences
The Ph.D. in Biomolecular Sciences Degree consists of 66 credits total, with 29 credits of formal coursework, 5 credits of approved electives, 2 credits of examinations, and 30 credits of culminating activity. The table here shows a list of the classes required for this degree.
*1 credit course, to be taken four times towards degree requirements.
** 1 credit course, to be taken two times towards degree requirements.
Content on this page is provided as a quick reference for planning. All official course descriptions/degree requirements/admission standards/program learning outcomes/etc. are published on the Graduate Catalog site
Approved Electives for Ph.D. in Biomolecular Sciences
*Up to 2 credits can be from coursework outside of this list except for university wide 696 Directed Research Courses (e.g. BMOL 696) or independent study courses (e.g., BMOL 596) that focus on the learning of research techniques and/or obtaining of data.
Faculty/students wishing to petition other courses for inclusion as an approved elective should contact the program director for guidance on course material preparation for the faculty steering committee to evaluate. Ideally, this petitioning should happen early in the semester prior to when the course will be offered.
All official course descriptions/degree requirements/admission standards/program learning outcomes/etc. are published on the Graduate Catalog site