Dr. Owen M. McDougal Co-authored an Article Published in Natural Products Communications Journal
John M. T. French,† Matthew D. King, Owen M. McDougal,* Nat. Prod. Comm., “Quantitative Determination of Vinpocetine in Dietary Supplements” 11(5), 607-609 (2016).PMCID: PMC5345962NIHMSID: NIHMS852671PMID: 27319129. Current United States regulatory policies allow for the addition of pharmacologically active substances in dietary supplements if derived from a botanical source. NCBI
Dr. Daniel Fologea Awarded NSF CAREER Grant

This $102,543.00 per year NSF award is a renewable 5 year CAREER grant from the Biomaterials Program in the Division of Materials Research to study biophysical properties of a specific pore-forming protein isolated from earthworms. These pore forming proteins will be studied for their unique control over the transport of relevant molecules. The scientific broader impact of this project is the development of efficient methodologies for molecular identification, single-molecule analysis, design of nano-containers for controlled delivery of chemicals and drugs, and cell loading through temporary membrane permeabilization. The research activities will be incorporated into interdisciplinary teaching and mentoring practices for high-school, undergraduate and graduate students. Specific student recruitment approaches are in place to ensure participation of women, underrepresented, and economically disadvantaged students in research and education. The investigator will be actively engaged in outreach activities at local schools and educational centers, will develop the students’ ability to effectively share their interest in science, and to energize young students to pursue STEM careers and to cultivate a greater understanding and appreciation of the merits of scientific research. Update
Research Could Inform New Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease
While scientists are unsure of the molecular causes of Parkinson’s Disease, they do know the disorder’s tremors and other motor dysfunctions are linked to a loss of dopaminergic neurons located in the substantia nigra, a structure in the midbrain. Dopaminergic neurons are our main source of dopamine, which is responsible for emotional response and plays an important role in movement. For many years, their loss has been viewed as irreversible. But a new paper by Brad Morrison’s research group in the Department of Biological Sciences suggests the possibility of regrowth of dopaminergic neurons in adult mammals. Co-authors are Joshua Albright, Iva Stojkovska, Abir Rahman and Connor Brown.
Click here to read more about the therapy
Dr. Owen McDougal Co-authored a Paper Published in Scientific Reports

Abhijnan Chattopadhyay,† Decha Pinkaew,† Hung Q. Doan,† Reed B. Jacob,† Sunil K. Verma,† Hana Friedman, Alan Peterson, Muge N. Kuyumcu-Martinez,† Owen M. McDougal, Ken Fujise,* Scientific Reports, “Fortilin Fortifies PRX1 to Protect Against Alcohol-Induced Liver Damage” DOI: 1.1038 SREP18701. Fortilin, a pro-survival molecule, inhibits p53-induced apoptosis by binding to the sequence-specific DNA-binding domain of the tumor suppressor protein and preventing it from transcriptionally activating Bax.
Drs. Kristen Mitchell and Ken Cornell Co-authored a Paper Published in Toxicology
Harvey, W. A., Jurgensen, K., Pu, X., Lamb, C. L., Cornell, K. A., Clark, R. J., & … Mitchell, K. A. (2016). Exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) increases human hepatic stellate cell activation. Toxicology, 34426-33. DOI:10.1016/j.tox.2016.02.001. 2, 3, 7, 8, – Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin is a halogenated aromatic hydrocarbon that elicits toxicity are attributed to AhR activation in parenchymal hepatocytes.
Dr. Owen McDougal Co-authored a Paper Published in Natural Product Communications Journal

Narasimharao Kondamudi, Matthew W. Turner,† Owen M. McDougal,* Nat. Prod. Comm., “Harpagoside Content in Devil’s Claw Extracts.” 11(9), 1215-1216 (2016). Devil’s Claw is a common ingredient in nutraceutical products for the treatment of inflammation due to arthritis. ResearchGate
Drs. Cheryl Jorcyk and Julie Oxford Co-authored a Publication in the Journal of Neurol Neuromed
Oxford AE, Jorcyk CL, Oxford JT. Neuropathies of Stüve-Wiedemann Syndrome due to mutations in leukemia inhibitory factor receptor (LIFR) gene. J Neurol Neuromed. 2016, 1(7): 37-44. This is a rare disease that results in dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system which controls involuntary processes such as breathing rate and body temperature. PMC
Dr. Daniel Fologea Co-authored a Paper Published in Eur Biophys Journal

Krueger E, Bryant S, Shrestha N, Clark T, Hanna C, Pink D, Fologea D. Intramembrane congestion effects on lysenin channel voltage-induced gating. Eur Biophys J. 2015 Dec 22. DOI: 10.1007/s00249-015-1104-z. All cell membranes are packed with proteins. The ability to investigate the regulatory mechanisms of protein channels in experimental conditions mimicking their congested native environment is crucial for understanding the physicochemical cues that may fundamentally contribute to their functionality in natural membranes.
Dr. Rajesh Nagarajan Awarded NIH Grant

The $329,509 NIH award is for 3 years. The rapid rise in multidrug resistant bacteria poses special challenges to treating bacterial infections. Interbacterial communication via quorum sensing, facilitated by signal synthesis enzymes (such as AHL synthases in Gram-negative bacteria) has been implicated in the emergence of plasmid-mediated resistance, biofilm formation and toxin production. Since quorum sensing is an important step in virulence expression, AHL synthase inhibitors will provide valuable tools to manipulate bacterial pathogenicity. The focus of this NIH grant is to investigate the molecular basis on how a signal synthase prevents synthesis and accumulation of nonspecific signals (noise) during microbial communication. As part of this award, both graduate and undergraduate researchers in Dr. Nagarajan’s laboratory will utilize protein biochemistry and mechanistic enzymology to uncover the role of AHL synthases in enforcing signal fidelity in microbial communication, which will provide key insights to designing quorum sensing inhibitors.
Dr. Ken Cornell Co-authored a Paper Published in Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry

Mallory C, Carfi RP, Moon SP, Cornell KA, Warner DL (2015) Modification of cellular DNA by synthetic aziridinomitosenes. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 23(23): 7378-7385. two synthetic aziridinomitosenes, structurally related to mitomycin C were evaluated for their anticancer activity against six cancer cell lines. Europe PMC
Dr. Rajesh Nagarajan Co-authored Paper Published in ChemBioChem

Shin D, Frane ND, Brecht RM, Keeler J, Nagarajan R. A Comparative Analysis of Acyl-Homoserine Lactone Synthase Assays. Chembiochem. 2015 Dec;16(18):2651-9. DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201500387. Quorum sensing is cell-to-cell communication that allows bacteria to coordinate attacks on their hosts by inducing virulent gene expression…