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BMOL MS Student Handbook Culminating Activity

Culminating Activity Options

The Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Program offers students with a choice of culminating activities to complete the M.S. degree.

Thesis Option

This research-intensive option is designed to provide graduate training leading to positions such as laboratory managers and technicians, and to prepare students for further training in doctoral programs.  The curriculum and thesis research for the Masters of Sciences in Biomolecular Sciences (thesis option) typically takes between two to three years to complete.

Project Option

This option provides students with a good preparation for a Ph.D. program or a more advanced career.  The intensive curriculum leading to a Masters of Science in Biomolecular Sciences (project option) can be completed in as little as one and a half years, with no thesis.  The nature of the project is determined by the major advisor and the student, in consultation with the supervisory committee.  Examples of projects include, but are not limited to:

  • Writing and submitting a review article
  • Completing a research project plus oral defense to their supervisory committee plus a written summary.
  • Completing an internship relevant to the student’s ultimate career goals (e.g. intellectual property, bio-business) integrated with benchwork plus a written report.

Students should submit the Biomolecular Sciences MS Project Description Approval form describing the nature of the project, obtain signatures from all committee members, and turn it in to the BMOL program office by the end of the second semester. Any substantial changes in the project will require the submission of a new “Biomolecular Sciences MS Project Description Approval” form. Upon completion of the Project defense, an electronic written copy of the project is expected by the BMOL program office.