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BMOL Lab Training

Basic Lab Safety Requirements

In accordance with Boise State EHSS (Environment Health, Safety and Sustainability) Guidelines & the Office of Research Compliance (ORC), all Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Students are required to complete and stay up to date on laboratory training. This includes CEMS (Chemical Environmental Management System) and CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) Training.

Chemical Environmental Management System (CEMS):

All Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Students are required to complete the following CEMS (formally known as EHSS) training modules through Boise State University:

To complete lab safety training please go to

  1. Log in to the system by clicking on login.
  2. Click on the TOP Boise State University User Login (don’t immediately enter your information under “other users.”).
  3. Enter your BSU credentials.
  4. From there, on your homepage/dashboard, click on the training link near the end of the page.
  5. Click on “view available courses.”
  6. Please complete the following three courses:  A Day in the Lab, Hazardous Waste Training, and Lab Safety.
  7. When you are finished, feel free to print the certificate of completion for a record of your training.

UNH CEMS only works through Boise State’s IP address.  You will either need to complete the training materials while on campus or use Boise State’s Virtual Private Network (VPN).  This allows the user to use their IP address while off-campus.  To use the VPN, please follow the directions after clicking on the link.

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI):

All Biomolecular Sciences Graduate Students are required to complete CITI Training.

  • Please complete the following three courses: Responsible Conduct of Research – RCR for Biomedical Sciences, Biosafety Essentials, and OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens.
  • Your lab may require you to complete additional CITI Training Courses, please contact your research advisor regarding this.