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MS Biology

Master of Science in Biology

The M.S. in Biology is a research-based degree in which the M.S. candidate will complete a thesis based on original research carried out by the student. The thesis should make a significant contribution to the body of scientific knowledge and be of sufficient quality to warrant publication in a peer-reviewed journal. M.S. students are expected to produce a written thesis proposal and give an oral presentation of that proposal during their first year in the program. Following the completion of the thesis, students will give an oral presentation of the defense to present the results of their research to the public.

Master of Science in Biology
Course Number and TitleCredits
BIOL 697 Biometry4
BIOL 598 Graduate Seminar OR
BIOL 561-567 “Advanced Topics in” courses
BIOL 593 Thesis6
Electives from course offerings that follow:Electives may include a maximum of six credits of Directed Research, must be approved by the student’s thesis committee, and may not include workshop, pass/fail or practicum/internship credits.18

How to Apply