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Michael W. Butler Ecological Research Award

Congratulations to our 2024 award winners:

Kevin Myers

Advisor: Julie Heath, Biological Sciences

Project Title: Factors Influencing Variation in Post-fledging Dependance Period in Golden Eagles.

Jade Anderson

Advisor: Jesse Barber, Biological Sciences

Project Title: Revealing the Mechanism of an Anti-bat Sensory Illusion

Elizabeth Jessmore

Advisor: Stephanie Galla, Biological Sciences

Project Title: Genetic analysis of the Snake River Plains, Idaho, Burrowing Owl population over time: an assessment of genetic diversity across twenty-five years


Past Awardees

  • Arden Engel

    Arden Engel

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Marie-Anne de Graaff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Interactive Effects of Mycorrhizal Community Structure and Soil Moisture on Wyoming Big Sagebrush Performance

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Marie-Anne de Graaff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Interactive Effects of Mycorrhizal Community Structure and Soil Moisture on Wyoming Big Sagebrush Performance

  • Kirsten Fuller

    Kirsten Fuller

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Jen Cruz, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Does visitor presence in the backcountry of the Grand Canyon increase competitive interactions between great horned owls and Mexican spotted owls?

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Jen Cruz, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Does visitor presence in the backcountry of the Grand Canyon increase competitive interactions between great horned owls and Mexican spotted owls?

  • Michaela Grossklaus

    Michaela Grossklaus

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Ian Robertson, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Seed predation by harvester ants on native grasses and forbs: implications for restoration following disturbance

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Ian Robertson, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Seed predation by harvester ants on native grasses and forbs: implications for restoration following disturbance

  • Eden Ravecca

    Eden Ravecca

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Jen Cruz, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Are Predators Able to Adapt to Landscape Changes in the Sagebrush Steppe?

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Jen Cruz, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Are Predators Able to Adapt to Landscape Changes in the Sagebrush Steppe?

  • Brian Busby Portrait

    Brian Busby

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2020

    Advisor: Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Examining the potential effects of roads on vital rates and movement behavior in Barn Owls

    Award Year: 2020

    Advisor: Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Examining the potential effects of roads on vital rates and movement behavior in Barn Owls

  • Jenn Butt headshot

    Jenn Butt

    MS Biology

    Award Year: 2019
    Advisor: Dr. Marie-Anne de Graaff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Impacts of Fertilization, Plant Species & Genotypic Diversity on Soil Carbon and Soil Diversity in Biofuel Cropping Systems

    Award Year: 2019
    Advisor: Dr. Marie-Anne de Graaff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Impacts of Fertilization, Plant Species & Genotypic Diversity on Soil Carbon and Soil Diversity in Biofuel Cropping Systems

  • Caitlin Davis in field

    Caitlin Davis

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2018
    Advisor: Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: The Interactive Effects of Fire and Recreation on Predator-Prey Interactions

    Award Year: 2018
    Advisor: Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: The Interactive Effects of Fire and Recreation on Predator-Prey Interactions

  • Skyler Swiecki profile picture

    Skyler Swiecki

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2017
    Advisor: Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Proximate Factors in Natal Dispersal: The Role of Body Condition

    Award Year: 2017
    Advisor: Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Proximate Factors in Natal Dispersal: The Role of Body Condition

  • Hanna McCaslin holding a Kestrel

    Hanna McCaslin

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2017
    Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Environmental Drivers of Dispersal in North American Birds: Patterns of Individual Dispersal and Consequences for Population Distributions

    Award Year: 2017
    Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Environmental Drivers of Dispersal in North American Birds: Patterns of Individual Dispersal and Consequences for Population Distributions

  • Ben Dudek holding golden eagle

    Ben Dudek

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2016
    Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    The Role of Disease and Ectoparasites in the Ecology of Nestling Golden Eagles

    Award Year: 2016
    Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    The Role of Disease and Ectoparasites in the Ecology of Nestling Golden Eagles

  • Juliette Rubin headshot

    Juliette Rubin

    MS Biology

    Award Year: 2015
    Dr. Jesse Barber, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    The Evolution of Anti-Bat Sensory Illusions on Moths

    Award Year: 2015
    Dr. Jesse Barber, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    The Evolution of Anti-Bat Sensory Illusions on Moths

  • portrait placeholder

    Tempe Regan

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2014
    Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Barn Owls (Tyto alba) Crossing the Road – Examining the Interplay Among Occupancy, Behavior, Habitat Selection, and Roadway Mortality in Southern Idaho

    Award Year: 2014
    Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Barn Owls (Tyto alba) Crossing the Road – Examining the Interplay Among Occupancy, Behavior, Habitat Selection, and Roadway Mortality in Southern Idaho

  • Allie Anderson holding a Kestrel

    Allie Anderson

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2013
    Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Population Response to Climate Change: Wintering Strategy has Carryover Effects on the Timing of Nest Initiation and Mate Choice in a Partial Migrant, the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

    Award Year: 2013
    Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Population Response to Climate Change: Wintering Strategy has Carryover Effects on the Timing of Nest Initiation and Mate Choice in a Partial Migrant, the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)

  • portrait placeholder

    Rob Miller

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2012
    Dr. Marc Bechard, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Breeding Ecology of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter Gentilis) Within a Unique Prey and Forest Landscape of the Western United States

    Award Year: 2012
    Dr. Marc Bechard, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Breeding Ecology of the Northern Goshawk (Accipiter Gentilis) Within a Unique Prey and Forest Landscape of the Western United States

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    Jamie Utz

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2011
    Dr. Jennifer Forbey, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Understanding the Tradeoff Between Safety and Food Quality in a Mammalian Herbivore Specialist, the Pygmy Rabbit

    Award Year: 2011
    Dr. Jennifer Forbey, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Understanding the Tradeoff Between Safety and Food Quality in a Mammalian Herbivore Specialist, the Pygmy Rabbit

  • Matthew Schmasow sits in a chair in the field

    Matt Schmasow

    MS Biology

    Award Year: 2010
    Dr. Ian Robertson, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Diet Selection by the Owyhee Harvester Ant (Pogonomyrmex Salinus) in Southern Idaho

    Award Year: 2010
    Dr. Ian Robertson, Biological Sciences
    Project Title:
    Diet Selection by the Owyhee Harvester Ant (Pogonomyrmex Salinus) in Southern Idaho