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Master’s Thesis Research

Below is a list of Biology Department Master’s Projects and Theses which are available for download in the Boise State ScholarWorks Database.

Student NameDegree ProgramMajor AdvisorPublication YearTitleScholarWorks Link
Zaiats, AndriiMS BiologyTrevor T. Caughlin2019Intraspecific Variation in Plant-Plant Interactions and Belowground Zone of Influence of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)n/a
Ottenlips, MichaelMS BiologyJames F. Smith2019Convergent Evolution and Species Boundaries in Lomatium Species (Apiaceae)n/a
McCaslin, Hanna M.MS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2019Dispersal and Distributions in the Era of Global Change: Patterns and Mechanisms of Individual Dispersal and Distributional Shifts in North American Birdsn/a
Kelly-Slatten, MeganMS BiologyMarie-Anne de Graaff2019Genetic Variability of Cultivars Shape Biochemical Profiles in a Bioenergy Cropping Systemn/a
Henderson, Michael T.MS Raptor BiologyDavid Anderson2019Effects of Protective Nesting Site Properties on Gyrfalcon Breeding Success and Parental Investment in Western Alaskan/a
Hayes, Christine D.MS Raptor BiologyDavid Anderson2019Old Enemies with New Problems?: Investigating the Ecological Relationship Between Ridgway's Hawk and the Parasitic Nest Fly Philornis picin/a
Davis, CaitlinMS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2019Recreation, Fire and Disease Create a Mosaic of Threats for Golden Eagles in Southwestern Idahon/a
Clark, MatthewMS BiologyVicken Hillis2019Methodological Advances for Understanding Social Connectivity and Environmental Implications in Multi-Use LandscapesDownload Matt's Thesis
Brown, Jennifer A.MS BiologyIan C. Robertson2019Seed Predation by Owyhee Harvester Ants and the Potential of Seed Introductions in Recovery Efforts for Slickspot PeppergrassDownload Jennifer's ThesisAvailable for Download August 22, 2021
Frankel-Bricker, JonasMS BiologyMerlin M. White2019The Endosymbiotic Gut Fungus Zancudomyces Culisetae Influences Transstadial Transmission of Host-Associated Microbiota in the Yellow Fever Mosquito (Aedes Aegypti)Download Jonas's Thesis
Levenhagen, MitchellMS BiologyJesse R. Barber2019Ecosystem Services Provided by Soundscapes Link People and WildlifeDownload Mitch's Thesis
Zaiats, AndriiMS BiologyTrevor T. Caughlin2019Intraspecific Variation in Plant-Plant Interactions and Belowground Zone of Influence of Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata)Download Andrii's Thesis
Unitis, MattMS BiologyJodi Brandt2018Remote Sensing for Management of Invasive Plants in Great Lakes Coastal WetlandsUnder Embargo - Available August 20, 2020
Opdahl, EllieMS BiologyKathryn Demps2018A Human-Environment Systems Approach to Outdoor Recreation, Human Biological Stress, and Landscape AestheticsDownload Ellie's Thesis
McCormick, MichaelMS BiologyMerlin M. White2018Mastering Mycological Mysteries with Explorations of Harpellales Associated with Culicidae and Other Dipterans in IdahoUnder Embargo - Available December 19, 2020
Leal, YozoraMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2018Home Range Characteristics of Breeding Saker Falcons (Falco cherrug) at Artificial Nest Sites in Central MongoliaDownload Yozora's Thesis
Easter, TaraMS BiologyNeil Carter2018Quantifying Mammalian Interactions and Distributions to Inform Conservation Planning in MozambiqueUnder Embargo - Available August 20, 2020
Detweiler, MichaelMS BiologyAllan Albig2018Microenvironmental Forces Regulate Notch Signaling Through IntegrinsUnder Embargo - Available December 19, 2020
Collet, JamesMS BiologyEric Hayden2018Developing Ultra-High Throughput Sequencing Based Assay For Ligase Ribozymes for the Study of Evolutionary InnovationsUnder Embargo - Available December 19, 2020
Coates, Stephanie E.MS BiologyJay Carlisle2018Building the Full Annual Cycle Picture for Long-Billed Curlews: Correlates of Nest Success in the Breeding Grounds and Spatial Distribution and Site Fidelity in the Wintering GroundsDownload Stephanie's Thesis
Brinkmeyer, MichaelaMS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2018Patterns of Genetic Structure in the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius): Influence of Distance and Migration and Implications for Monitoring and ManagementUnder Embargo - Available December 19, 2020
Raymondi, Ann MarieMS BiologyNancy Glenn2017The Relative Importance of Fire History, Management Treatments, Biotic, and Abiotic Factors on the Abundance of Key Vegetative Components in an Endangered Sagebrush-Steppe EcosystemUnder Embargo - Available December 15, 2019
Melody, DanMS BiologyJennifer Forbey2017The Cost of Roaming Free: Assessing the Effects of Plant Secondary Metabolites on Diet Selection and Nutritional Condition in a Free-Ranging Generalist HerbivoreDownload Dan's Thesis
Martinez, PeggyMS BiologyMarie-Anne de Graaff2017Impacts of Anthropogenic Noise on Litter Chemistry and Decomposition Processes in a Semi-Arid EcosystemDownload Peggy's Thesis
Cinto-Mejia, ElizethMS Raptor BiologyJesse R. Barber2017Landscape-Scale Manipulation of the Acoustic Environment Alters the Distribution of Breeding Birds and ArthropodsDownload Elizeth's Thesis
Dudek, Benjamin M.MS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2017The Role of Disease and Ectoparasites in the Ecology of Nestling Golden EaglesDownload Ben's Thesis
Rubin, JulietteMS BiologyJesse R. Barber2017The Evolution of Anti-Bat Sensory Illusions in MothsDownload Juliette's Thesis
Arnold, ErinMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2016Spatial, Roadway, and Biotic Factors Associated with Barn Owl (Tyto alba) Mortality and Characteristics of Mortality Hotspots Along Interstates 84 and 86 in IdahoDownload Erin's Thesis
Autilio, AnnaMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2016Gang Behavior at Carcasses in Wintering Striated Caracaras (Phalcoboenus australis) in the Falkland Islandsn/a
Delvinne, HasiniMS BiologyMarie-Anne de Graaff2016Temperature Impacts on Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition Across an Environmental Gradient in a Semi-Arid Ecosystemn/a
Frey, EricMS BiologyKathryn Demps2016Influences on Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Use Patterns within a Complex Trail System in Southwest Idahon/a
Guerdan, PeterMS BiologyStephen Novak2016Genetic Analysis of Eurasian Populations of Taeniatherum caput-medusae Subspecies Asperum: Biogeography of an Invasive, Self-Pollinating, Annual Grass in Its Native Rangen/a
Jeffries, MichelleMS BiologyIan C. Robertson2016An Investigation of Herbivory and Seed Predation on Slickspot Peppergrassn/a
Johns, AislinnMS BiologyMarie-Anne de Graaff2016Switchgrass Cultivar and Intraspecific Diversity Impacts on Nitrogen Use Efficiencyn/a
Kent, ElizabethMS BiologyStephen Novak2016Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) Analysis of Taeniatherum caput-medusae, an Invader of Western U.S. Rangelandsn/a
Love, JuliaMS BiologyTroy Rohn2016The Proteolysis of Apolipoprotein E in Alzheimer's Diseasen/a
Nobler, JordanMS BiologyJennifer S. Forbey2016Risky Business: Tradeoffs Between Nutrition, Toxicity, and Predation by a Specialist Mammalian Herbivoren/a
Porterfield, ChristopherMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2016Pheomelanin Pigment Is Not an Indicator of Feather Corticosterone Content in Diurnal Migratory Raptors in Idahon/a
Regan, TempeMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2016Barn Owls (Tyto alba) Crossing the Road - Examining the Interplay Among Occupancy, Behavior, Habitat Selection, and Roadway Mortality in Southern Idahon/a
Robinson, BryceMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2016Gyrfalcon Diet During the Brood Rearing Period on the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, in the Context of a Changing Worldn/a
Smith, ShawnMS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2016Earlier Nesting by a Predatory Bird Is Associated with Human Adaptations to Climate Changen/a
Thomas, PatrickMS BiologyKevin Feris2016Effects of Algal Diversity on Productivity and Grazing Resistance in Dairy Wastewatern/a
Tinkle, ZoeMS BiologyJennifer S. Forbey2016To Boldly Go: Boldness Predicts Behavior and Survivorship of a Critical Prey Speciesn/a
Campos, PatriciaMS BiologyMarie-Anne de Graaff2015Precipitation Induced Changes in Decomposition Processes and Soil Carbon Stabilizationn/a
Cragin, JacobMS BiologyMarcelo D. Serpe2015Viticulture Performance and Cold Hardiness Attributes of Select Winegrape Cultivars in the Western Snake River Plain of Idahon/a
Davidson, BillMS BiologyMarcelo D. Serpe2015Consequences of Pre-Inoculation with Native Arbuscular Mycorrhizae on Root Colonization and Survival of Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis) Seedlings after Transplantingn/a
Daw, DennisMS BiologyPeter Koetsier2015An In-Depth Evaluation of Otolith Zonation and an Ageing Comparison of Otoliths, Scales, and Pectoral Fin Rays of Redband Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss gairdneri) and Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus)n/a
Fremgen, MarcellaMS BiologyJennifer S. Forbey2015Plant Toxins Influence Diet Selection and Intestinal Parasites in a Specialist Herbivoren/a
Mason, James TateMS Raptor BiologyJesse R. Barber2015The Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Northern Saw-whet Owl (Aegolius acadius) Hunting Behaviorn/a
Reynolds, Nicole K.MS BiologyMerlin M. White2015Resolving Relationships at the Animal-Fungal Divergence: A Molecular Phylogenetic Approach for Understanding the Ecology and Evolution of the Protist Trichomycetesn/a
Schmasow, Matthew S.MS BiologyIan C. Robertson2015Diet Selection by the Owyhee Harvester Ant (Pogonomyrmex salinus) in Southwestern Idahon/a
Shefa, NedaMS BiologyJulia T. Oxford2015Effects of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 and Parathyroid Hormone-Related Peptide on Collagen XI During Skeletal Developmentn/a
Skaar, ShaneMS BiologyStephen Novak2015Identifying the Geographic Origins for the Introduction of Taeniatherum caput-medusae subsp. asperum (Medusahead) in the Western United Statesn/a
Spaul, Robert J.MS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2015Recreation Disturbance to a Shrub-Steppe Raptor: Biological Consequences, Behavioral Mechanisms, and Management Implicationsn/a
Stuber, MatthewMS BiologyJames Belthoff2015Ecotoxicological Risk and Exposure: A Comparison of Western Burrowing Owls Nesting in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Areas in the Morley Nelson Snake River Birds of Prey National Conservation Arean/a
Wyler, StephanieMS BiologyKristen A. Mitchell2015Role of Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1 During Liver Regenerationn/a
Zimmers, JayMS BiologyJames F. Smith2015Two Cryptic Species within Astragalus cusickii Delimited Using Molecular Phylogenetic Techniquesn/a
Anderson, AlexandraMS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2014Population Response to Climate Change: Wintering Strategy has Carryover Effects on the Timing of Nest Initiation and Mate Choice in a Partial Migrant, the American Kestrel (Falco sparverius)n/a
Brabec, MarthaMS BiologyMatthew J. Germino2014Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) in a Shifting Climate Context: Assessment of Seedling Responses to Climaten/a
Dierks, JaninaMS BiologyMarie-Anne de Graaff2014Impacts of Plant Invasion on Native Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Communities: Feedbacks on Soil Carbon Cyclingn/a
Glueckert, KevinMS BiologyIan C. Robertson2014Quantifying Habitat Relationships of Songbirds in Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides) and Other Montane Communities of the Jarbidge Mountains, Nevadan/a
Goyden, JacobMS BiologyCheryl Jorcyk2014Osteoblast Oncostatin M Signaling in Modeled Spaceflightn/a
Groves, JamieMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2014Behavioral Responses of Burrowing Owls to Experimental Clutch Manipulations: An Investigation of Conspecific Brood Parasitism and Laying Determinacyn/a
Harvey, WendyMS BiologyKristen A. Mitchell2014Consequences of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on Hepatic Stellate Cell Activation In Vitron/a
Rohde, Ashley T.MS BiologyStephen Novak2014Influence of Wildfire Disturbance and Post-Fire Seeding on Vegetation and Insects in Sagebrush Habitatsn/a
Vempati, LavanyaMS BiologyJuliette K. Tinker2014Construction and Characterization of Non-Toxic Bacterial Enterotoxins as Vaccine Adjuvantsn/a
Ware, HeidiMS BiologyJesse R. Barber2014Traffic Noise Decreases Body Condition and Stopover Efficiency of Migrating Songbirdsn/a
Wendell, LauraMS BiologyGregory Hampikian2014Ciliates of Sagebrush-Steppe Soils of Southwestern Idaho: Species Richness and Its Relationship to Changed Soil Variables after Wildfire Eventsn/a
Bunkley, JessieMS BiologyJesse R. Barber2013The Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on the Foraging Efficiency of a Gleaning Bat and the Activity Levels of a Natural Bat Assemblagen/a
Diggs, GinaMS BiologyJim Munger2013The River Otter in Idaho: Reproductive and Population Parameters and Liver Concentrations of Environmental Contaminantsn/a
Kolar, PatrickMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2013Impacts of Wind Energy Development on Breeding Buteo Hawks in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregionn/a
Koncinsky, JordanMS BiologyCheryl Jorcyk2013A Novel Role of Oncostatin M in Invasive Breast Cancer: Induction of Cathepsin D and Lysosomal Traffickingn/a
Korte, AllisonMS BiologyJesse R. Barber2013Apparent Movements of Birds Within an Urban Riparian Corridor During the Breeding Seasonn/a
Laramie, MatthewMS BiologyDavid S. Pilliod2013Distribution of Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Upper-Columbia River Sub-Basins from Environmental DNA Analysisn/a
Lingo, HallieMS BiologyJim Munger2013Beaver Reintroduction Correlates with Spotted Frog Population Restoration and Terrestrial Movement Patterns of Newly Metamorphosed Columbia Spotted Frogs in the Owyhee Uplands of Southwestern Idahon/a
Miller, RobertMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2013Breeding Ecology of The Northern Goshawk (Accipiter Gentilis) within a Unique Prey and Forest Landscape of the Western United Statesn/a
O'Keefe, JohnMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2013Species Size Predicts Oxidative Stress in Five Migratory North American Raptorsn/a
Poprocki, Neil A.MS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2013Warming Winters and Changing Habitats: Interactive Effects on Raptor Populations and Implications for Conservationn/a
Peters, MorganMS BiologyStephen Novak2013Genetic and Morphological Variation in Taeniatherum Caput-Medusae (Medusahead): Taxomonic Diversity, Geographic Origins, Multiple Introductions and Founder Effectsn/a
Sherburne, JessicaMS Raptor BiologyJennifer S. Forbey2013Bioavailability of Anthropogenic Organic Contaminants (AOCs) in the Eggs of Two Species of Wild Birds Exposed to Municipal Biosolidsn/a
Tretter, EricMS BiologyMerlin M. White2013A Multi-Gene Molecular Systematic Study of the Kickxellomycotina, Including the Examination of Two New Genes (MCM7 and TSR1) for Phylogenetic Inferencen/a
Urquhart, AlexanderMS BiologyPeter Koetsier2013Life History and Environmental Tolerance of the Invasive Oriental Weatherfish (Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) in Southwestern Idaho, USAn/a
Wilson, Emma R.MS BiologyMerlin M. White2013Evaluating the Effects of Fungicides and other Pesticides on Non-Target Gut Fungi and their Aquatic Insect Hostsn/a
Wonder, ErinMS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2013A Test of Whether Human Handling Causes Developmental or Habituation Effects on the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Stress Response of Young American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius)n/a
Alsup, StevenMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2012Productivity and Habitat Features of Swainson's Hawks (Buteo swainsoni) Nesting in Suburban and Agricultural Areas of Southwest Idahon/a
Deis, BrianMS BiologyKevin Feris2012Optimization of a Novel Two-Stage Whole-Cell Enzyme Production and Lignocellulose Hydrolysis Reactor Designn/a
Frye, GrahamMS Raptor BiologyMark R. Fuller2012Phytochemical Ecology of an Avian Herbivore, the Greater Sage-Grouse: Implications for Behavior, Physiology, And Conservationn/a
Graham, ScottMS Raptor BiologyJennifer S. Forbey2012Diet Composition, Niche and Geographic Characteristics, and Prey Size Preference of Barred Owls (Strix varia) in the Pacific Northwestn/a
Louka, PanagiotaMS BiologyDenise Wingett2012The Role of ZnO Nanoparticle Electrostatic Properties in Cancer Cell Cytotoxicityn/a
Nadeau, AndrewMS Raptor BiologyJames F. Smith2012A Genetic Analysis of Bald Eagles in the Pacific Northwest: Retained Genetic Diversity Following a Large-Scale Population Bottleneckn/a
Nolte, Eric G.MS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2012Raptors Present but Unobserved: Detectability at a Western Migration Watch-Site and Its Effect on Trend Analysisn/a
Schulte, LacieMS BiologyJames F. Smith2012Phylogenetic Relationships within Columnea Section Angustiflorae: Insights into Forces Driving Speciationn/a
Utz, JamieMS Raptor BiologyJennifer S. Forbey2012Understanding the Tradeoff Between Safety and Food Quality in a Mammalian Herbivore Specialist, the Pygmy Rabbitn/a
Wang, YanMS BiologyMerlin M. White2012Ribosomal RNA Gene-Based and Multigene Phylogenies of Smittium (Harpellales) and Allies—Toward Unraveling Relationships Among Early-Diverging Fungin/a
Anderson, Katy MarieMS BiologyJulia T. Oxford2011Associations Between Extracellular Matrix Proteins in the Pericellular Environment of Bovine Cartilage Tissue: Interaction of Collagen α1(XI) and Thrombospondin-1n/a
Bean, BarryMS BiologyMatthew R. Dare2011Spatial Distribution and Habitat Use of the Bliss Rapids Snailn/a
Clay, DanielleMS BiologyJames F. Smith2011Homoploid Hybrid Speciation in a Rare Endemic Castilleja from Idaho (Castilleja christii, Orobanchaceae)n/a
Horras, ChristopherMS BiologyKristen A. Mitchell2011Immunoregulation of Liver Regeneration by the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor: Role of Lymphocytes and Interferon-Gamman/a
Layne, Janet C.MS BiologyDenise Wingett2011Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles as Potential Novel Anticancer Therapiesn/a
McVey, KathlynMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2011Trophic Ecology of Burrowing Owls in Natural and Agricultural Habitats and an Analysis of Predator Communities using Stable Isotopes of Carbon and Nitrogenn/a
Scholer, MicahMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2011Land Cover and Topographic Effects on Cavity-Nesting Owl Occurrence and the Role of Species Interactions in Structuring Cavity-Nesting Owl Communitiesn/a
Scholten, MelissaMS BiologyMarcelo D. Serpe2011Environmental Regulation of Dormancy Loss in Seeds of LOMATIUM DISSECTUMn/a
Sorensen, PatrickMS BiologyKevin Feris2011Experimental Manipulation of Precipitation Regime Affects Microbial Community Structure and Soil Carbon Storage in the Cold-Desert Sagebrush-Steppen/a
Tawara, KenMS BiologyCheryl Jorcyk2011Progression of Breast Cancer Metastatic Disease and Subsequent Osteolytic Bone Degradation Mediated by Oncostatin Mn/a
Webber, Alyson F.MS BiologyJulie Heath2011How Do Human Disturbance, Beach Characteristics, and Coastal Engineering Affect Snowy Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus) Habitat Selection on the Florida Panhandle?n/a
Ulappa, AmyMS BiologyJennifer S. Forbey2011Nutritional and Chemical Factors Shaping Diet Selection for Two Sagebrush Specialists: Pygmy Rabbits and Sage-Grousen/a
Besecker, JasonMS BiologyGregory Hampikian2010Bio-Terror Agent Multiplex Detection Compatible with Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramicn/a
Davis, MichaelMS BiologyGregory Hampikian2010Ancient and Recent Demographic Events Influence Mitochondrial DNA Diversity in an Immigrant Basque Populationn/a
Fang, MingMS BiologyJulia T. Oxford2010The Role of Minor Fibrillar Collagens During Craniofacial Development in Zebrafishn/a
Kokoulina, PolinaMS BiologyTroy Rohn2010Caspase Activation in Neurodegenerative Diseases Classified as Tauopathies and Alpha-Synucleinopathies: Caspase-Cleaved TAR DNA-Binding Protein-43 in Pick's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, and Dementia with Lewy Bodiesn/a
Riding, Corey S.MS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2010Effects of Old Nest Material on Occupancy and Reuse of Artificial Burrows, and Breeding Dispersal by Burrowing Owls (Athene Cunicularia) in Southwestern Idahon/a
Strasser, ErinMS Raptor BiologyJulie Heath2010Reproductive Failure and the Stress Response in American Kestrels Nesting Along a Human Disturbance Gradientn/a
Welty, JustinMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2010Costs and Benefits of Variable Nest Density in Burrowing Owls: Effects on Predation, Ectoparasites, Egg Yolk Hormones, and Productivityn/a
Aranda, PatrickMS BiologyCheryl Jorcyk2009Mouse Oncostatin M Receptor RNA Interference and Novel RNA Analysis Geln/a
Bench, MollyMS BiologyMerlin M. White2009New Species and Expanded Geographic Ranges of Gut Fungi and their Symbiotic Relationship with Insect Hostsn/a
Berg, MelanieMS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2009Yolk Androgens and Development in American Kestrel Nestlingsn/a
Busscher, KatieMS BiologyJim Munger2009Improving Success of Translocating Southern Idaho Ground Squirrels (Spermophilus Endemicus)n/a
Donohue, KaraMS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2009Exploring Red-tailed Hawk Migration Using Stable Isotope Analysis and DNA Sexing Techniquesn/a
Hanley, CoryMS BiologyDenise Wingett2009Differential Cellular Responses to Metal Oxide Based Nanoparticles and Potential Biomedical Applicationsn/a
Hoskins, NathanMS BiologyJulia T. Oxford2009Dependence of Bone Microarchitecture Upon Collagen α1(XI) Expression During Embryonic Developmentn/a
Huttanus, TemshaMS BiologyStephen Novak2009Introduction and Spread of Bromus Tectorum (Cheatgrass) into Midwestern United States: Population Genetic and Evolutionary Consequencesn/a
Keeley, WilliamMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2009Diet and Behavior of Ferruginous Hawks Nesting in Two Grasslands in New Mexico with Differing Anthropogenic Alterationn/a
Kimball, ScottMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2009Behavioral Interactions of Breeding Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus Luecocephalus) at Lake Cascade, Idahon/a
Masterson, AshleyMS BiologyDenise Wingett2009Immunomodulatory Effects of Diesel Exhaust Particlesn/a
Sandow, JohnnaMS BiologyPeter Koetsier2009Evaluation of Biotic Metrics to Distinguish Between Reference and Impacted Rheocrenes (Springbrooks) in Southern Idahon/a
Smith, RhondaMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2009Investigating Raptor Migration Behavior Using Orientation Cages and Wing Measurements: A Comparison of the Flammulated Owl and Northern Saw-whet Owl in Southwestern Idahon/a
White, Joshua P.MS BiologyIan C. Robertson2009Seed Predation on Slickspot Peppergrass by the Owyhee Harvester Antn/a
Young, CharleneMS BiologyHenry Charlier2009Rational Drug Design: An Information Driven Approach to the Design of an Anthracycline Analogn/a
Adams, JasonMS BiologyJulia T. Oxford2008Collagen Type XI in Zebrafish Axial Skeletal Developmentn/a
Hallingstad, Eric C.MS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2008Seasonal Variation in Immunocompetence and Other Physiological Parameters of the American Kestrel (Falco Sparverius)n/a
Barnes, Keith P.MS BiologyJames Belthoff2007Ecology, Habitat Use, and Probability of Detection of Flammulated Owls in the Boise National Forestn/a
Boves, ThanMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2007The Effects of Roadway Mortality on Barn Owls in Southern Idaho and a Study of Ornamentation in North American Barn Owlsn/a
Bruesch, AmandaMS BiologyCheryl Jorcyk2007On the Contradictory Effects of Oncostatin M in Human Breast Cancern/a
Hodzic, AlmaMS BiologyDenise Wingett2007Regulation of CD40 Ligand Gene Expression: Implications in Asthman/a
Hunt, BonnieMS BiologyJim Munger2007Migratory Landbird Stopover Habitats in Southern Idaho: A GIS and Geostatistical Approachn/a
Leavitt, HollieMS BiologyIan C. Robertson2007Pollination and Florivory by Insects Visiting the Flowers of Lepidium Papilliferum (Brassicaceae)n/a
Marzot, VittoriaMS BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2007Early Food Restriction and Phenotypic Development in Captive American Kestrels (Faldo Sparverius)n/a
Ross, KristinMS BiologyJim Munger2007Influence of Topography, Soils, and Vegetation on Densities and Body Condition of Southern Idaho Ground Squirrelsn/a
Stiefel, CarlMS BiologyMatthew R. Dare2007Movements of and Habitat Use by Bull Trout in Arrowrock Reservoir, Idahon/a
Tuckett, QuentonMS BiologyPeter Koetsier2007The Effects of Wildfire and Debris Flows on Small Headwater Stream Ecosystems in Central Idahon/a
Williams, WyattMS BiologyIan C. Robertson2007Host Selection in the Douglas-Fir Beetle Following Extended Periods of Flight: The Effect of Depleted Fat Reserves on Pioneer Behaviorn/a
Benjamin, JosephMS BiologyMatthew R. Dare2006Invasion by nonnative brook trout in Panther Creek, Idaho : roles of habitat Quality, Connectivity and Biotic Resistancen/a
Billinge, StephanieMS BiologyIan C. Robertson2006Reproductive Performance as a Function of Outcrossing Distance in Lepidium Papilliferum (Brassicaceae), a Rare Plant Endemic to Southwest Idahon/a
Burak, GregoryMS BiologyJim Munger2006Home Ranges, Movements, and Multi-Scale Habitat Use of Pygmy Rabbits (Brachylagus Idahoensis) in Southwestern Idahon/a
Butler, Michael W.MS BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2006Neonatal Stress and Avian Development: Effects on Growth, Immune Function, and Plumagen/a
Deines, LynellMS BiologyMarcelo D. Serpe2006Germination, Initial Seedling Establishment and Water Status of Bromus Tectorum and Vulpia Microstachys on Lichen-Dominated Biological Soil Crusts of the Northern Great Basinn/a
Matthies, KelliMS BiologyDenise Wingett2006Differential Regulation of Soluble and Membrane CD40L Proteins in T Cells: Implication of ADAM-10n/a
Murray, StuartMS BiologyStephen Novak2006The Influence of Disturbance Events and Rehabilitation on Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystemsn/a
Perkins, DustyMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2006Population Genetics and Food Habits of Raptors in Southern Idahon/a
Smith, Adam D.MS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2006Exploring Raptor Migration Using Stable Isotope Analysis: The Northern Goshawk in Western North American/a
Stillman, AmyMS BiologyStephen Novak2006Population Genetics and Mating System of the Rare Polyploid Lepidium Papilliferum (Brassicaceae), a Southwestern Idaho Endemicn/a
Triepke, F. JackMS BiologyStephen Novak2006Mapping of Biological Communities in Northwestern Montanan/a
Whitman, Buddy A.MS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2006The Effects of Neonatal Handling on Adrenocortical Responsiveness, Morphological Development, and Corticosterone Binding Globulin in American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius) and European Starlings (Sturnus Vulgaris)n/a
Barrett, JustinMS BiologyJim Munger2005Population Viability of the Southern Idaho Ground Squirrel (Spermophilus Brunneus Endemicus): Effects of an Altered Landscapen/a
Dudley, Jonathan G.MS BiologyVictoria A. Saab2005Home Range Size and Foraging Habitat of Black-Backed Woodpeckersn/a
Fosdick, Craig R.MS BiologyRex Sallabanks2005Bird-Habitat Relationships and the Effects of Spring Versus Fall Prescribed Burning on Forest Birds in the Blue Mountains, Northeastern Oregonn/a
Headley, MarkMS BiologyDenise Wingett2005Immunomodulatory Properties of the Novel Anthracycline Analog, GPX-150: Implications for the Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Diseasen/a
Hostettler, LauriMS BiologyPeter Koetsier2005Influences of Body Size and Environmental Factors on Autumn Downstream Migration of Bull Trout in the Boise River Basinn/a
O'Donnell, TimothyMS BiologyRobert Rychert2005Bacterial Secondary Production in the Snake Rivern/a
Panek, KarenMS BiologyJim Munger2005Dispersal, Translocation, and Population Connectivity in Fragmented Populations of Southern Idaho Ground Squirrelsn/a
Taylor, Nicole A.MS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2005Burrowing Owl Offspring Sex Ratios: Long-Term Trends and a Test of the Triver and Willard Hypothesisn/a
Batbayar, NyambayarMS Raptor BiologyMark R. Fuller2004Nesting Ecology and Breeding Success of Cinereous Vultures (Aegypius Monachus) in Central Mongolian/a
Brady, Ryan S.MS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2004Nest Lining Behavior, Nest Microclimate, and Nest Defense Behavior of Burrowing Owlsn/a
Dalzell, CynthiaMS BiologyMarcia Wicklow-Howard2004Post-Fire Establishment of Vegetation Communities Following Reseeding on Southern Idaho's Snake River Plainn/a
Fairhurst, GrahamMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2004Northern Goshawk (Accipiter Gentilis) Population Analysis and Food Habits Study in the Independence and Bull Run Mountains, Nevadan/a
Hasselblad, KristinMS BiologyMarc Bechard2004Northern Goshawk Home Ranges and Habitat Selection in the Great Basin of Southern Idahon/a
Pope, Von R.MS BiologyJim Munger2004Multi-Scale Habitat Relationships for the Great Basin Collared Lizard in Southwestern Idahon/a
Cusack, SorchaMS BiologyJulia T. Oxford2003Suppression of the Methyl-CpG Binding Protein 2, MeCP2, Inhibits Neurite Extension in PC12 Cellsn/a
DeHart, KarlMS Raptor BiologyMark R. Fuller2003Great Horned Owl Distribution and Habitat Use Relative to Post-Release Survival of Endangered Attwater's Prairie Chickensn/a
Lysne, StevenMS BiologyPeter Koetsier2003The Life History and Ecology of Two Endangered Snake River Gastropods: Utah Valvata (Valvata utahensis: Call) and Idaho Springsnail (Pyrgulopsis idahoensis: Pilsbry)n/a
Medeck, Ryan J.MS BiologyJulia T. Oxford2003BMP-1 Mediated Proteolytic Processing of Alternatively Spliced Isoforms of Collagen Type XIn/a
Moulton, ColleenMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff2003Ecology of Burrowing Owls in Southwestern Idaho: Association with Agriculture, Food Habits and Territorial Behaviorn/a
Rogers, Heather M.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2003Modulation of the Adrenocortical Stress Response in North American Accipiters During Fall Migration and the Effect of Flight Strategies and Energy Expenditure on Their Baseline Corticosterone Secretionn/a
Schoeberl, Bruce C.MS BiologySteven T. Knick2003Influence of Fragmentation on Shrubsteppe-Obligate Passerinesn/a
Soules, JenniferMS BiologyRex Sallabanks2003Nest-Site Selection and Reliable Indicators of Habitat Quality for the Winter Wren in Western Washingtonn/a
Staley, Airica M.MS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2003Noninvasive Fecal Steroid Measures for Assessing Gonadal and Adrenal Function in the Golden Eagle (Aquila Chrysaetos) and Peregrine Falcon (Falco Peregrinus)n/a
Anderson, Kirk E.MS BiologyJames F. Smith2002Interspecific Hybridization in the Seed-Harvester Ant Pogonomyrmex (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): Evidence for a Mosaic Hybrid Zonen/a
Booms, Travis L.MS Raptor BiologyMark R. Fuller2002Gyrfalcon Food Habits in Central West Greenland During the Nestling Periodn/a
Hemingway, AngelaMS BiologyRobert Rychert2002Microbial Functional Diversity and Growth Strategies in Response to Disturbancen/a
Leppert, Lynda L.MS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2002Heterophil to Lymphocyte Ratios and DNA Sexing in Fall Migrating Northern Saw-Whet Owls and Flammulated Owls in Idahon/a
Shook, John E.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2002Breeding Biology, Nesting Habitat, Dietary Analysis and Breeding Behaviors of Northern Hawk Owls (Surnia Ulula) in Interior Alaskan/a
Engle, JaniceMS BiologyJim Munger2001Population Biology and Natural History of Columbia Spotted Frogs (Rana Luteiventris) in the Owyhee Uplands of Southwest Idaho: Implications for Monitoring and Managementn/a
Holman, Shanie L.MS BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.2001The Adrenocortical Reponse to Handling Stress in Two Temperate-Breeding Blackbird Speciesn/a
Lewis, Stephen B.MS Raptor BiologyMark R. Fuller2001Breeding Season Diet of Northern Goshawks in Southeast Alaska with a Comparison of Techniques Used to Examine Raptor Dietn/a
Rideout, CatherineMS BiologyJames Belthoff2001Effects of Habitat Fragmentation on Shrub-Steppe Birds in Southeastern Idahon/a
Dee Salow, TammyMS BiologyPeter Koetsier2001Population Structure and Movement Patterns of Adfluvial Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in the North Fork Boise River Basin, Idahon/a
Turner, Allyson L.MS BiologyRex Sallabanks2001Forest Songbirds in the Blue Mountains, Oregon: Habitat Relationships and Response to Prescribed Burningn/a
Wightman, CatherineMS Raptor BiologyMark R. Fuller2001Patterns Associated with Habitat Selection by Peregrine Falcons in Central West Greenlandn/a
Finn, SeanMS Raptor BiologyJohn Marzluff2000Multi-Scale Habitat Influences on Northern Goshawk Occupancy and Reproduction on Washington's Olympic Peninsulan/a
Hanauska-Brown, LauriMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2000Evaluation of Northern Goshawk (Accipiter Gentilis) Productivity, Nestling Growth, and Adult Health in Relation to a Central Idaho Habitat Potential Modeln/a
Howard, Amy K.MS BiologyJim Munger2000The Effects of Cattle Grazing on Columbia Spotted Frogs (Rana Luteiventris) in the Owyhee Mountains, Idahon/a
Oleyar, M. DavidMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2000Flammulated Owl (Otus Flammeolus) Breeding Ecology in Aspen Forests of Northern Utah: Including Responses to Ski Area Developmentn/a
Sutter, Jason A.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard2000Breeding Ecology of the Crane Hawk in Tikal National Park, Guatemalan/a
Warner, Kevin S.MS BiologyRex Sallabanks2000Artificial Nests, Their Predators, and Their Ability to Represent Real Nestsn/a
Zhang, YumeiMS BiologyCheryl Jorcyk2000Mouse Oncostatin M Transgene Constructionn/a
Pope, Aimee L.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1999Juvenile Ferruginous Hawk Movements and Flight Skill Development During the Post-Fledging Dependency Period in South-Central Washingtonn/a
Smith, BrianMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff1999Nest-Site Selection, Ectoparasites, and Mitigation Techniques: Studies of Burrowing Owls and Artificial Burrow Systems in Southwestern Idahon/a
Anderson, David L.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1998Avian Diversity in the Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve, Honduras: The Influence of Indigenous Agricultural Practicesn/a
Danilson, Christopher D.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1998Post-Fledging Ecology of Great Horned Owls in South Central Saskatchewann/a
Rains, CharlotteMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1998Niche Overlap, and Nearest-Neighbor Distances of Northern Saw-Whet Owls (Aegolius acadicus) and Western Screech-Owls (Otus kennicottii) in Southwestern Idahon/a
Ellsworth, Ethan A.MS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff1997Postfledging Behavior and Dispersal of Juvenile Western Screech-Owls: Patterns of Movement and the Effects of Gender and Social Dominancen/a
Kalteneckre, Gregory S.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1997Winter Ecology of Bald Eagles in the Upper Boise River Drainage, Idahon/a
Parker, Margaret N.MS Raptor BiologyWilliam Burnham1997Ecology of Nesting Laughing Falcons and Bat Falcons in Tikal National Park, Guatemala: Foraging and Niche Breadthn/a
Valutis, Laura LMS Raptor BiologyJohn Marzluff1997Reintroduction of Captive-Reared Birds the Influence of Hand-Rearing and Release Techniques on Behavior and Survival in Three Species of Corvidaen/a
Whitlock, Peter L.MS Raptor BiologyHugh P. McIsaac1997Spatial Visual Acuity in American Kestrels : The Influences of Bird-Stimulus Distance and Stimulus Rotationn/a
Gilson, LaurenMS Raptor BiologyJohn Marzluff1996Behavioral Flexibility in Juvenile Ospreysn/a
Heath, Julie A.MS Raptor BiologyAlfred Dufty Jr.1996Effects of Body Condition on the Adrenal Stress Response, and the Role of Corticosterone in American Kestrel Nest Departure and Post-Fledging Dispersaln/a
King, RonaldMS Raptor BiologyJames Belthoff1996Post-Fledging Dispersal and Behavioral Ecology of Burrowing Owls in Southwestern Idahon/a
Leary, AlanMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1996Home Ranges, Core Use Areas, and Dietary Habits of Ferruginous Hawks in Southcentral Washingtonn/a
Lehman, Robert N.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1996Effects of Military Training and Wildfires on Shrubsteppe Raptors in Southwestern Idahon/a
Swem Jr., TheodorMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1996Aspects of the Breeding Biology of Rough-Legged Hawks Along the Colville River, Alaskan/a
Telford, ElizabethMS Raptor BiologyTom J. Cade1996Peregrine Falcons in the Northeastern United States: Sonagraphic Analysis of the Defense Call, Population Turnover, and Dispersaln/a
Whitmore, KathrynMS Raptor BiologyJohn Marzluff1996Developing Hand-Rearing Techniques for the Conservation of Altricial Passerinesn/a
Younk, JamesMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1996Breeding Ecology of the Northern Goshawk in Relation to Surface Gold Mining in Naturally Fragmented Aspen Forests of Northern Nevadan/a
Carpenter, GeorgeMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1995Studies of Breeding American Kestrels in Southwestern Idaho: I. Offspring Sex Ratios of American Kestrels in Southwestern Idaho; II. Effects of Disturbance and Food Availability on American Kestrel Reproduction in Southwestern Idaho; III. Use of Mist Nets and a Live Great Horned Owl to Capture Breeding American Kestrelsn/a
Draheim, Greg S.MS Raptor BiologyWilliam Burnham1995Breeding Biology and Habitat Requirements of the White Hawk (Leucopternis Albicollis) in Guatemalan/a
Haines, Karen F.MS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1995Northern Goshawk Breeding Habitat in Conifer Stands with Natural Tree Mortality in Eastern Oregonn/a
Levine, Edward W.MS Raptor BiologyWilliam Burnham1995Productivity of Peregrine Falcons (Falco Peregrinus) in the Greater Yellowstone Area, 1988-1990n/a
Panasci, TheresaMS Raptor BiologyDavid Whitacre1995Comparative Breeding Ecology and Success of Roadside Hawks in Human-Modified and Forest Habitats of Péten, Guatemalan/a
Vargas, HernanMS Raptor BiologyWilliam Burnham1995Food Habits, Breeding Biology, and Status of the Gray-Backed Hawk (Leucopternis Occidentalis) in Western Ecuadorn/a
Foss, JohnMS Raptor BiologyTom J. Cade1994Occurrence and Habitat Associations of Diurnal Raptors Along the Bio-Bio River, Chilen/a
Woods, Christopher P.MS Raptor BiologyTom J. Cade1994The Loggerhead Shrike in Southwest Idahon/a
Berkelman, JamesMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1993Ecology of the Madagascar Buzzard, Buteo Brachypterus, in the Rain Forest of the Masoala Peninsulan/a
Sanchez, Gonzalo H.MS Raptor BiologyTom J. Cade1993The Ecology of Wintering Gyrfalcons (Falco Rusticolus) in Central South Dakotan/a
Thorstrom, RussellMS Raptor BiologyWilliam Burnham1993Breeding Ecology of Two Species of Forest-Falcons (Micrastur) in Northeastern Guatemalan/a
Atkinson, EricMS Raptor BiologyTom J. Cade1991Winter Ecology of Northern Shrikes (Lanius Excubitor) in Idaho: Foraging, Territories, and Niche Overlap with American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius)n/a
Carter, Jo EllenMS Raptor BiologyTom J. Cade1991Home Range, Habitat Utilization, and Prey Delivery Patterns of the Mauritius Kestrel (Falco Punctatus)n/a
Gerhardt, RichardMS BiologyWilliam Burnham1991Mottled Owls (Ciccaba Virgata): Response to Calls, Breeding Biology, Home Range, and Food Habitsn/a
Tripp, BradleyMS Raptor BiologyConrad Colby1991Respiratory Gas Concentrations and Thermal Gradients in Nestboxes Occupied by American Kestrels, Falco Sparveriusn/a
McAnnis, DawnMS Raptor BiologyMarc Bechard1990Home Range, Activity Budgets, and Habitat Use of Ferruginous Hawks (Buteo Regalis) Breeding in Southwest Idahon/a
Spahr, RobinMS Raptor BiologyKaren Steenhof1990Factors Affecting the Distribution of Bald Eagles and Effects of Human Activity on Bald Eagles Wintering Along the Boise Rivern/a
Ulmschneider, HelenMS Raptor BiologyTom J. Cade1990Post-Nesting Ecology of the Long-Eared Owl (Asio Otus) in Southwestern Idahon/a
Smith, Jennifer M.MS Raptor BiologyErik Stauber1989A Computer-Assisted System of Toe-Scale Pattern Analysis for Identification of Peregrine Falconsn/a
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