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Dan Montgomery Graduate Student Award

Maddi Sorrentino

Congratulations to our 2023 award winner Maddi Sorrentino!

Advisor: Dr. Kelly Hopping, Human-Environment Systems

Project Title: Targeted grazing by sheep to manage invasive cheatgrass in Idaho’s rangelands

Maddi nealing next to a sheep

Past Awardees

  • Nora Honkomp

    Nora Honkomp

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2022

    Advisor: Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences

    Project Title: Environmental cues associated with the timing of autumn departure in migratory raptors

    Award Year: 2022

    Advisor: Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences

    Project Title: Environmental cues associated with the timing of autumn departure in migratory raptors

  • Brian Busby Portrait

    Brian Busby

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences

    Project Title: Examining the potential effects of roads on vital rates and movement behavior in Barn Owls

    Award Year: 2021

    Advisor: Dr. Jim Belthoff, Biological Sciences

    Project Title: Examining the potential effects of roads on vital rates and movement behavior in Barn Owls

  • Pat Dumandan headshot

    Pat Dumandan

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2020

    Advisor: Dr. Todd Katzner, USGS
    Project Title: Assessing human impacts on the abundance and diversity of migrating raptors recorded at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Pennsylvania

    Award Year: 2020

    Advisor: Dr. Todd Katzner, USGS
    Project Title: Assessing human impacts on the abundance and diversity of migrating raptors recorded at Hawk Mountain Sanctuary, Pennsylvania

  • Sadie Ranck portrait

    Sadie Ranck

    MS Raptor Biology

    Award Year: 2020

    Advisor: Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Patterns and consequences of individual migration strategies in a partially migratory population of American kestrels (Falco sparverius)

    Award Year: 2020

    Advisor: Dr. Julie Heath, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Patterns and consequences of individual migration strategies in a partially migratory population of American kestrels (Falco sparverius)

  • Merry Davidson headshot

    Merry Davidson

    MS Biology

    Award Year: 2019
    Dr. Trevor Caughlin, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: A Cross-scale Analysis of Savanna-Forest Ecotones: Plant-animal Interactions in the Guyanese Rupununi Boundary

    Award Year: 2019
    Dr. Trevor Caughlin, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: A Cross-scale Analysis of Savanna-Forest Ecotones: Plant-animal Interactions in the Guyanese Rupununi Boundary

  • Andrii Zaiats headshot

    Andrii Zaiats

    MS Biology

    Award Year: 2018
    Advisor: Dr. Trevor Caughlin, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Spatial Scale of Below Ground Interactions in Big Sagebrush Common Garden

    Award Year: 2018
    Advisor: Dr. Trevor Caughlin, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: Spatial Scale of Below Ground Interactions in Big Sagebrush Common Garden

  • Dan Melody leaning against building

    Dan Melody

    Award Year: 2016
    Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Forbey, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: The Cost of Roaming Free: Assessing the Effects of Plant Toxins on the Behavior, Physiology and Nutritional Condition of Free-Ranging Herbivores.

    Award Year: 2016
    Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Forbey, Biological Sciences
    Project Title: The Cost of Roaming Free: Assessing the Effects of Plant Toxins on the Behavior, Physiology and Nutritional Condition of Free-Ranging Herbivores.