Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences
Year arrived at BSU: 2012
Mailing Address:
Department of Biology
Boise State University
Boise, ID 83725-1515
Office Location: Science Building, Rm 102B
Lab Location: Science Building, Rm 202
Office Number: 208-426-1541
Office Fax: 208-426-1040
E-Mail Address: allanalbig@boisestate.edu
- Ph.D. Genetics and Cell Biology, Washington State University, 2001
- B.S. Genetics and Cell Biology, University of Minnesota, 1996
- BMOL 601 Biomolecules I
- BIOL 611 Advanced Cell Biology
Molecular and Cell Biology, Extracellular Matrix, Matricellular proteins and Angiogenesis. For more information about my research visit albig.weebly.com
- Albig, A.R. and Decker, C.J. (2001) The target of rapamycin signaling pathway regulates mRNA turnover in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mol Biol Cell. 12(11):3428-38.
- Albig, A.R. and Schiemann W.P. (2004) Fibulin-5 Antagonizes Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Signaling and Angiogenic Sprouting by Endothelial Cells. DNA Cell Biol. 23(6):367-79
- Albig, A. R. and Schiemann W.P. (2005) Identification and Characterization of Regulator of G-Protein Signaling 4 (RGS4) as a Novel Inhibitor of Tubulogenesis: RGS4 Inhibits MAP Kinases and VEGF Signaling. Mol Biol Cell. Feb;16(2):609-25
- Schiemann, W.P and Albig, A.R. (2005) Fibulin-5 Function During Tumorigenesis. Future Oncology 1(1), 23-35.
- Albig, A.R., Neil, J.R., and Schiemann, W.P. (2006) Fibulins 3 and 5 Antagonize Tumor Angiogenesis In vivo. Cancer Research. 66(5):2621-9
- Albig, A.R., *Roy, T.S., *Becenti, D. J., and Schiemann, W.P. (2007) Transcriptome analysis of endothelial cell gene expression induced by growth on matrigel matrices: identification and characterization of MAGP-2 and lumican as novel regulators of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis. 10(3):197-216. * denotes undergraduate co-author
- Albig AR, *Becenti DJ, *Roy TG, Schiemann WP. (2008) Microfibril-associate glycoprotein-2 (MAGP-2) promotes angiogenic cell sprouting by blocking notch signaling in endothelial cells. Microvasc Res. 2008 May;76(1):7-14 * denotes undergraduate co-author
- Lee YH, Albig AR, Maryann R, Schiemann BJ, Schiemann WP. (2008) Fibulin-5 Initiates Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) and Enhances EMT Induced by TGF-{beta} in Mammary Epithelial Cells Via a MMP-Dependent Mechanism. Carcinogenesis. Dec;29(12):2243-51
- Brown, L. J., *Crawford M. E., *Alawoki, M., *Sears, A., *Reida, T., *Torma, T., and Albig A.R., (2010). “Lipocalin-7 is a Matricellular regulator of angiogenesis.” PLoS One 5(11).
- Williams, K. E., *Fulford, L.A., Albig, A.R. (2010). Lumican Reduces Tumor Growth Via Induction of Fas-Mediated Endothelial Cell Apoptosis. Cancer Microenvironment 4(1): 115-126.