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Travel Guidelines


  • Any participant who is ill or showing symptoms of an illness should not attend.
  • Physical distancing is encouraged for individuals at all times..
  • Outdoor spaces should be prioritized when partaking in eating or drinking and increasing physical distances between individuals when possible.
  • Options for congregation of participants should be eliminated.
  • The event organizer must document all participants and be able to provide that list to the university as needed for the purposes of contact tracing.  Documentation should include lists of which individuals where seated in each van (and ideally know who is seated next to one another in those vans).
  • The event organizer must provide hand sanitizer and/or sanitizing wipes for all participants.

Based on Boise State’s updated public health guidance , individuals are required to wear facial coverings while traveling together in University vehicles.

Individuals may be interested in knowing whether or not they are positive for COVID-19 prior to personal and group travel. All individuals have the option to utilize Boise State COVID-19 testing resources prior to any group travel.

Within two days of the start of travel, a PCR test is performed, and a negative, lab-confirmed result is returned. Rapid antigen tests are not acceptable; a PCR test is required.

PCR testing can be conducted at the Boise State COVID Testing Center.

Any on-campus individual who tests positive will be contacted directly by Boise State Public Health.

Groups requesting campus vans, etc. should note the following:

Requests for group testing will need to be submitted to the Boise State COVID Testing Center at A group is considered to have more than 20 people.

Multi-day trips connected with provided transportation will need to have a plan in place on how to transport “home”/back any symptomatic or sick individuals.

Boise State and local public health contact tracers will quarantine all persons in the vehicle if it was later determined that a positive person was in the vehicle during their infectious period unless they meet one of the exposure exemption criteria .