If you have ever walked by the Science Building, you may have noticed some greenhouses. One is the “Research Greenhouse,” in which Biology faculty members and their students conduct research projects based on their area of interest. The other greenhouse, the smaller one nearer the building, is the “Teaching Greenhouse,” in which plants are grown primarily for use in different science classes and labs.
Some minor upgrades and a lot of hard work by student interns have resulted in increased visibility and renewed interest in the Teaching Greenhouse. The Biology Club held a “cleanup day,” in which club members, student interns, work-study students, and volunteers pitched in to clean and organize the greenhouse. Shadee Edralin, a work-study student in the Department of Biological Sciences, explained that she was particularly eager to help as she had been in the greenhouse many times before and couldn’t wait to see how it would look after being cleaned.

Under the management of Tami Cox, Greenhouse Manager, a team of interns and work-study students are in charge of many of the day-to-day operations of the greenhouse, including watering, fertilizing, and managing pests. In early spring the Biology Club will begin gearing up for its annual plant sale, and the greenhouse interns are already propagating several plants in preparation for this event. Continue reading to learn more about these interns.
Tabitha Gonzales is a junior biology major who is in her first semester at Boise State University after transferring from the University of Idaho. She says that the greenhouse project has brought “a lot organizations and people together, including the Biology Club, the Gardening Club, the interns that work under Tami, and students in work-study positions.” She hopes that her efforts in the greenhouse will pay off in the plant sale, which would allow the Biology Club to increase their budget.
Elizabeth “Lizzy” McGhee is a biology major who is planning to go to graduate school for genetic counseling. This is her first semester as an intern and she is eager to participate in the Biology Club Annual Plant Sale. She loves working with plants and was “instantly intrigued” when she received an email describing the internship opportunity.
Kennedy Pendell has returned to Boise State University for a second degree in biology after completing her first degree in environmental studies. She loves plants and says that her job in the greenhouse will be to “help take care of the plants when the cleaning project is done.” She acknowledges that the greenhouse needs a lot of work before it will require less hands-on care, and she is currently working on replacing the outdated irrigation system and building a germination station for new seedlings.
The Biology Club Annual Plant Sale takes place in April of every year and is held in front of the greenhouse. Interested in becoming a greenhouse intern? Contact Tami Cox TamiCox@boisestate.edu.
Story – KatieLee Sliger