This 3-day course taught by OpenTopography and NEON lidar experts will consist of lectures and labs on topographic, geomorphic, and vegetation analysis with lidar point clouds and derived products. The course will utilize NEON data and attendees will have the opportunity to bring their own datasets for analysis. This workshop is part of a series of NSF/NEON supported training on the use of datasets from the NEON Airborne Observing Platform to enable new discoveries in the biophysical research community. See the hyperspectral data webpage for a workshop focused on NEON-hyperspectral data.
Dates: September 28-30, 2016
Hours: 8:00 am – 4:00 pm September 28, 29, 30
Location: City Center Plaza, Boise State University Computer Science / Clearwater Building, Boise, Idaho (see Travel Info)
Instructors: Ramon Arrowsmith, Chris Crosby, Nancy Glenn, Tristan Goulden, Shelley Petroy
Audience: Researchers and students interested in using NEON data, including data from the airborne operation platform (AOP) to derive lidar products for NEON science. No background in lidar required.
Cost: The course is free. Hotel and several meals will be covered for attendees.
Workshop Draft Agenda
Workshop Material
NEON Data Skills
Workshop Survey