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Guests on The Blue

Ticket Options

Individual Tickets


Includes dinner and complimentary wine served at your table.

Standard Table


Includes seating for 10 guests with dinner and complimentary wine served at your table.

Corporate Table


Includes seating for 10 guests with dinner and complimentary wine served at your table. Also includes table gifts for your guests, recognition in the event program and table signage.

Dignitary Tables


The purchase of a dignitary table includes recognition in the event program plus seating for eight with your chosen dignitary. Dignitary tables are: Boise State President Marlene Tromp, Boise State Head Football Coach Spencer Danielson, Boise State Head Men’s Basketball Coach Leon Rice and Boise State Athletic Director Jeramiah Dickey.

To purchase a Dignitary table, contact Tricia Stingley at or (208) 703-9377. Not available for sale online.