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Courses and Advising

professor pointing out facial muscles on powerpoint

Year 1

Summer (7 credits)

Course (7 weeks)

  • MAT 503 Principles of Athletic Training, 4 credits
  • MAT 505 Fundamentals of Clinical Diagnosis and Therapeutic Interventions, 2 credits
  • MAT 500 Foundation of Clinical Practice in AT, 1 credit

Fall (9 credits)

Course (15 weeks)

  • MAT 512 Therapeutic Interventions: Modalities, 2 credits
  • MAT 514 Dx & Therapeutic Interventions I: LE, 4 credits
  • MAT 510 Clinical Practice in AT I, 3 credits

Spring (10 credits)

Course (15 weeks)

  • MAT 523 Dx & Therpeutic Interventions II: UE, 4 credits
  • KINES 525 Research Methods in AT, 3 credits
  • MAT 520 Clinical Practice in AT II, 3 credits

Year 2

Summer (7 credits)

Course (7 weeks)

  • MAT 532 Dx & Therapeutic Interventions III: Med. Cond. & Pharm., 2 credits
  • MAT 536 Administration in Athletic Training, 2 credits
  • MAT 534 Advanced Nutrition and Exercise Prescription, 2 credits
  • MAT 530 Clinical Practice in AT III, 1 credit

Fall (10 credits)

Course (15 weeks)

  • MAT 543 Dx & Therapeutic Interventions IV: Head-Spine, 4 credits
  • KINES 545 Behavioral Health in the Physically Active Patient, 3 credits
  • MAT 540 Clinical Practice in AT IV, 3 credits

Spring (7 credits)

Course (15 weeks)

  • MAT 591 Project (Clinical Research in AT), 1 credit
  • MAT 598 Seminar, 1 credit
  • MAT 552 Current Evidence and Practice in Athletic Training, 2 credits
  • MAT 550 Clinical Practice in AT V, 3 credits