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We the students of Boise State University establish this student government for two core purposes:
First, to facilitate educational, intellectual, social, and cultural engagement at the University, and
second, to advocate for the interests of students at the University.

ARTICLE I – The Associated Students of Boise State University

Section 1. The student government of Boise State University will be known as the Associated
Students of Boise State University, hereafter known and referred to as ASBSU.

Section 2. All fee-paying students of the University comprise the Associated Students.

Section 3. ASBSU will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of age, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, veteran status, political affiliation, gender identity/expression, or sexual orientation in matters of employment, services, requests for funds, educational, or other activities.

Section 4. All officers of ASBSU, elected, hired, and appointed, must be fee-paying students. All student officers of ASBSU, elected, hired, and appointed, must acquire a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 grading scale prior to assuming their position. They must also receive a 2.5 GPA or higher each semester while in office. Failure to do so will result in immediate removal from

  • A. An administrative removal will not occur prior to the tenth day of the fall and spring semesters, nor will academic removals occur while an academic grievance, filed by the officer in question, is underway.

ARTICLE II – The Executive Branch

Section 1. The responsibility of the Executive Branch is to execute legislation that passes through the General Assembly and Academic Senate.

Section 2. The Executive Branch shall consist of the Executive Cabinet and the Funding Board.

  • A. The Executive Cabinet includes the President, Vice President, Associate Vice Presidents, and Appointed Officials.
  • B. Appointed Officials include a Chief of Staff and a Government Relations Officer.
  • C. Appointed Officials are to be selected by both an application process and an interview conducted by the incoming President and Vice President in conjunction with the Student Involvement and Leadership Center Director or a designee.
    • i. The incoming President will choose a nominee from the application and interview process.
  • D. Once nominated by the Incoming President, Appointed Officials must be confirmed by the Academic Senate with a simple majority vote.

Section 3. The President is responsible for the internal operations of the Executive Branch and serves as chair of official meetings of the Executive Cabinet. In the absence of the President, the Vice President will serve as the chair of the Executive Cabinet.

Section 4. Quorum is defined as more than one-half (50% +1) of Executive Cabinet members.

Section 5. The Executive Cabinet:

  • A. The President, Vice President, Associate Vice Presidents, Appointed Officials, Assembly Leader, and Senate Leader are considered voting members of the Executive Cabinet. In the event of a deadlocked cabinet, the decision defers to the President.
  • B. The Executive Cabinet may provide membership for any ASBSU committees or boards.
  • C. The Executive Cabinet will set the time, date, and place of its meetings and may call special meetings with a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.
  • D. All records of Executive Cabinet proceedings will be made publicly available. The Executive Cabinet will have open meetings at regular intervals with the locations publicly announced in advance.
  • E. Executive Cabinet officers are subject to removal from office or impeachment.
  • F. Elected Executive Branch officers will be elected by votes cast by the Associated Students enrolled at the time of election. Executive Branch officers will serve a term of approximately one (1) year and may be reelected or reappointed, but may not serve in the same position for more than four (4) full semesters.

Section 6. The Funding Board

  • A. The responsibility to fund Student Organizations is vested in the Funding Board.
  • B. The Funding Board will meet publicly and regularly in order to vote on Student Organization funding requests.
    • i. The Funding Board will be composed of the Associate Vice President of Financial Affairs, the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs, the Chief of Staff, and four (4) Funding Board members appointed by the Associate Vice President of Financial Affairs and confirmed by the Academic Senate. The Associate Vice President of Financial Affairs will chair the Funding Board.
    • ii. A quorum will be present if at least three (3) Funding Board members, in addition to the chair, are in attendance.
  • C. The President may remove Funding Board members for stated cause from their position on the Committee but not from their position in ASBSU.
    • i. The President may not remove the Vice President of Financial Affairs from their position on the Funding Board. They instead may be removed from the Board only when removed from office through the impeachment process.

Section 7. The ASBSU President:

  • A. The President will set the vision and direction of ASBSU.
  • B. The President will administer the affairs of ASBSU and will execute all legislation, code, and regulations adopted by ASBSU.
    • i. The President designates which Cabinet member is responsible for the execution of specific
      legislation passed by the General Assembly and Academic Senate.
  • C. The President may sign legislation passed by the General Assembly and Academic Senate. If the President does not sign within three (3) business days, the legislation will take effect.
    • i. The President may veto legislation passed by the General Assembly and Academic Senate. The veto may be overridden by a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote in the General Assembly and Academic Senate.
  • D. The President may convene special joint sessions of the Legislature.
  • E. The President is the primary diplomat and will develop and maintain relations with the University administration and all other entities that affect the general welfare of the Associated Students.
  • F. The President may establish committees as necessary to serve the general welfare of the Associated Students.
  • G. The President has the primary authority to make all appointments to all University committees that include students.
  • H. When the Executive Cabinet is not in session, the President may fill any vacancy in the Executive Cabinet by appointment without the approval of the Senate. When the Cabinet reconvenes, the appointment will be subject to all requisite approvals.
  • I. The President may remove Appointed Officials identified in Article II Section 9.
  • J. The President is a non-voting, ex-officio member of all ASBSU committees.
  • K. The President presides over the Executive Cabinet and staff and may request the opinion, in writing, of any Cabinet officer on any relevant subject.
  • L. The President will perform or delegate any other duties that are necessary to promote and maintain the general welfare of the Associated Students
  • M. The President is responsible for holding all ASBSU officers accountable to their position descriptions and to all tasks taken up by the officer.

Section 8. The ASBSU Vice President:

  • A. The Vice President will assist the President in all their responsibilities and will chair the General Assembly.
  • B. The Vice President will chair all joint meetings of the General Assembly and Academic Senate.
  • C. The Vice President will preside over the application process for appointments to the General Assembly. The Vice President will appoint all members except for the Under-served population Representatives, who will be appointed by the Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence, and the Greek Representatives, who will be appointed by the Associate Vice President of Greek Affairs.
  • D. The Vice President may convene special sessions of the General Assembly.
  • E. When the President is not available, the Vice President will represent ASBSU.

Section 9. ASBSU Associate Vice Presidents

  • A. An Associate Vice President addresses and works with other entities that may affect or be affected by ASBSU. These positions will be members of the Executive Cabinet and will deal with aspects of the University that need special attention from ASBSU.
  • B. The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs is the primary student representative on all issues related to academic affairs. They will meet with the Provost regularly, assist in the appointment of students to academic University committees, serve as the student representative to the Faculty Senate, facilitate recognition of faculty, and chair the Academic Senate. The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs may convene special sessions of the Academic Senate.
  • C. The Associate Vice President of Financial Affairs is the primary representative of Student Organizations and will assist Student Organizations in their operations as well as chair the Funding Board.
  • D. The Associate Vice President of Greek Affairs is the primary ASBSU representative on all issues related to Greek Life at Boise State University. They will meet regularly with Greek students and organizations, including fraternities and sororities, and will keep ASBSU updated on relevant Greek initiatives and events. The Associate Vice President of Greek Affairs will serve as a liaison between the various Greek communities and ASBSU. This position will have no direct control or authority over any chapter or governing body.
    • i. The Associate Vice President of Greek Affairs will appoint one (1) student to serve as Interfraternal Representative, one (1) student to serve as Panhellenic Representative, and one (1) student to serve as Multicultural Greek Representative
    • ii. In the event that further representative positions are needed for additional Greek governing bodies, these positions may be added in a Constitutional amendment/revision. The Associate Vice President of Greek has appointment power for these positions and may appoint one (1) student to serve as a representative of each additional Greek governing body that is organized.
    • iii. In order to be eligible to run for or hold office as the Associate Vice President of Greek Affairs, an individual must be in good standing as a member of a Greek organization.
    • iv. Only members of a fraternity or sorority, in good standing, are considered qualified electors to vote for this position. Additional details of the position, its responsibilities, and election procedures may be specified in ASBSU code.
  • E. The Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs is responsible for holding all members of ASBSU to the Constitution, Code, and University Statement of Shared Values.
    • i. The Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs will serve as the prosecutor in any impeachment hearings, as provided in this Constitution and ASBSU Code.
    • ii. The Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs will serve as the plaintiff before the Review Board in any ASBSU Constitution or Code violation complaints.
    • iii. The Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs will report to any body of ASBSU as requested.
    • iv. The Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs is responsible for implementing code changes and code regulations passed by the legislature.
    • v. The Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs shall, from time to time, or upon request, examine ASBSU Code for errors or omissions and may recommend code changes to the legislature.
  • F. The Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence is the primary representative of under-served student populations and will assist student organizations that work with these groups.
    • i. The Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence will appoint six (6) students from under-served populations to the General Assembly.
  • G. The Associate Vice President of Student Relations is responsible for informing and educating students at large about the function and structure of ASBSU. They are the primary point of contact for the student body with inquiries about the structure of ASBSU and will work to raise awareness about the organization around campus.
    • i. The Associate Vice President of Student Relations will manage all official ASBSU social media accounts.
    • ii. The Associate Vice President of Student Relations will keep the ASBSU website up-to-date with the missions, membership, agendas, and minutes of all branches of ASBSU.
    • iii. The Associate Vice President of Student Relations is responsible for outreach to local and campus media outlets.
  • H. If additional Associate Vice Presidents are needed, the President will propose a position description to the Academic Senate, which may approve the position for one (1) year by a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote. If the position is to exist for the next term, it will be listed on the ballot in the next general election. If the position is to exist for more than one (1) election cycle, it must be added in a constitutional revision.

Section 10. ASBSU Appointed Officials:

  • A. Chief of Staff
    • i. The Chief of Staff is responsible for monitoring and optimizing the use of ASBSU funds. They are the primary liaison to the relevant University financial staff that support ASBSU.
    • ii. The Chief of Staff will attend all Executive Cabinet and Funding Board meetings. Once the minutes are completed they will be responsible for relaying the document to all relevant entities, which include, but are not limited to: the ASBSU Executive Cabinet, ASBSU advisors, the University President’s Office, The Arbiter, and The Office of the Dean of Students.
    • iii. The Chief of Staff will work with the President and Vice President on budget planning.
    • iv. The Chief of Staff will serve as a member of the Funding Board.
    • v. The Chief of Staff is appointed following the guidelines stated in ASBSU Code.
  • B. Government Relations Officer:
    • i. The Government Relations Officer will advocate for student interests in regard to relevant political initiatives.
    • ii. The Government Relations Officer will act as a student body representative at the Idaho State Legislature.
    • iii. The Government Relations Officer must utilize a nonpartisan agenda focused on the needs and desires of the student body.
    • iv. The Government Relations Officer is appointed following the guidelines stated in ASBSU Code.
  • C. If additional Appointed Official positions are needed, the President will propose a position description to the Executive Cabinet, which may approve the position for one (1) year by a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote. If the position is to exist during the current term, the Academic Senate must approve the President’s nominee by a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote. If an Appointed Official position exists for more than one (1) election cycle, it must be added in a constitutional revision.

Section 11. In the event that the role of President is vacant due to impeachment, resignation, or other circumstances, the line of succession is as follows:

  1. The Vice President
  2. The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs
  3. The Senate Leader
  • A. Upon taking office, the new President will appoint a Vice President who must be confirmed by the General Assembly and Academic Senate with a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote.
  • B. In the event of the removal of all of the positions above, an interim President will be nominated and confirmed by a joint session of the Legislature. The interim President will then facilitate an emergency election between the Executive Cabinet, General Assembly, and Academic Senate. Once the new President and Vice President have been elected the President will appoint all vacant positions following the protocol listed above.
    • i. In the case of an emergency election, the Review Board will act as the Special Elections Committee.
  • C. In the event of vacancies in the Executive Cabinet, the President will appoint students to all vacant positions with simple majority approval by the Academic Senate.

ARTICLE III – The Legislative Branch

Section 1. The Legislative Branch exists to provide student representation for all academic colleges and various student populations, to direct action on the part of the Executive Branch and the University, to disseminate important information to students, to appropriate funding, and to deliver student opinion.

Section 2. The Legislative Branch shall be composed of two bodies: the General Assembly and the Academic Senate.

Section 3. General Assembly Composition

  • A. The General Assembly will consist of 30 members representing various concentrated student populations at the University. Members will be appointed to their positions by the Vice President, except where otherwise specified, through an application process. Applicants must be a reflection of and/or have a connection to the population they intend to represent.
  • B. All members of the General Assembly will be selected within the first two (2) weeks of the Fall Semester.
    • i. First-year representatives will be selected within the first four (4) weeks of the fall and spring semesters.
  • C. Membership of the General Assembly will be allocated as follows:
    First-year representatives: 6
    Transfer student representative: 1
    Non-traditional students representatives: 2
    Veterans/ROTC representative: 1
    On-Campus housing representatives: 2
    Commuter student representative: 1
    In-state student representatives: 2
    Out-of-state student representatives: 2
    Interfraternal representative: 1
    Panhellenic representative: 1
    Multicultural Greek representative: 1
    Student Athletics representative: 1
    First-generation college student representative: 1
    On-campus student employee representative: 1
    International students representative: 1
    Under-served populations representatives: 6
  • D. Members of the General Assembly will serve a term of one (1) year and may be reappointed.
  • E. The General Assembly will provide membership for ASBSU committees as described in ASBSU Code.
  • F. If any General Assembly position is vacant after the selection process outlined in ASBSU Code, the Vice President will review applicants and select a candidate to fill the vacancy, with the advice and consent of the Executive Cabinet.
  • G. A quorum will be present if more than one-half (50%+1) of the total membership of the General Assembly is in attendance.

Section 4. General Assembly Leadership

  • A. The Vice President will lead the General Assembly and may vote in the case of a tie.
  • B. The General Assembly shall elect from its membership an Assembly Leader by a simple majority vote. This process may be clarified in ASBSU Code.
    • i. The Assembly Leader will chair meetings of the General Assembly in the absence of the Vice President.
    • ii. The Assembly Leader is responsible for assigning members of the General Assembly to all legislative committees.
    • iii. The Assembly Leader may attend Executive Cabinet meetings as a voting member.

Section 5. The General Assembly will make formal recommendations, collaborate with students, represent the interests of the Associated Students, vote on impeachment proceedings, propose and vote on legislation, confirm appointments, and approve constitutional amendments and revisions. Rules and responsibilities may be further detailed in ASBSU Code.

Section 6. Academic Senate Composition

  • A. The Academic Senate will include student representatives from each of the nine (9) colleges: The College of Arts and Sciences, The College of Business and Economics, The College of Education, The College of Engineering, The College of Health Sciences, The College of Innovation and Design, The School of Public Service, The Honors College, and the Graduate College. The Senate will be composed of a total of twenty (20) members. Each college will receive two (2) Senators, and there will be two (2) student at-large Senators.
  • B. Senators will be elected by the student body of their respective colleges, or by students-at-large, to serve a term of one (1) year. Senators may be reelected.
    • i. These elections will be managed by ASBSU according to the Elections Committee and within the boundaries of any relevant policies and practices of the Colleges.
  • C. The Academic Senate will provide membership for ASBSU committees as described in ASBSU Code.
  • D. If any Academic Senate position is vacant after elections have been held, the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs shall work with the heads of the respective colleges to review applicants and will select a candidate to fill the vacancy, with the advice and consent of the Executive Cabinet.
  • E. A quorum will be present if more than one-half (50%+1) of the total membership of the Academic Senate is in attendance.

Section 7. Academic Senate Leadership

  • A. The Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs will chair meetings of the Academic Senate and may vote in the event of a tie.
  • B. The Academic Senate shall elect from its membership a Senate Leader by a simple majority vote. This process may be clarified in ASBSU Code.
    • i. The Senate Leader will chair meetings of the Academic Senate in the absence of the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.
    • ii. The Senate Leader is responsible for assigning members of the Academic Senate to all legislative committees.
    • iii. The Senate Leader may attend Executive Cabinet meetings as a voting member.

Section 8. The Academic Senate will make formal recommendations, collaborate with students, represent the interests of the Associated Students, vote on impeachment proceedings, propose and vote on legislation, confirm appointments, and approve constitutional amendments and revisions. Rules and responsibilities may be further detailed in ASBSU Code.

Section 9. Committees

  • A. The General Assembly and Academic Senate may form single-chamber or joint committees at any point during the academic year. All committees will operate through the end of the academic year. This process may be clarified in ASBSU Code.

ARTICLE IV – The Judicial Branch

Section 1. The Judicial Branch will be composed of the Review Board, which is the body tasked with holding ASBSU members to the Code of Conduct as well as ensuring legislative actions comply with the Constitution and ASBSU code. The Board will be composed of five (5) Members.

  • A. The Review Board Chief will be elected by the student body and will serve a one (1) year term.
  • B. One Review Board Member will be nominated by the outgoing President and confirmed by the outgoing Academic Senate with a simple majority vote and will serve a one (1) year term.
  • C. One Review Board Member will be nominated by the incoming President and confirmed by the incoming Academic Senate with a simple majority vote and will serve a one (1) year term.
  • D. One Review Board Member will be nominated by the incoming Associate Vice President of Inclusive Excellence and confirmed by the incoming Academic Senate with a simple majority vote and will serve a one (1) year term.
  • E. One Review Board Member will be nominated by the incoming Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs and confirmed by the incoming Academic Senate with a simple majority vote and will serve a one (1) year term.

Section 2. Review Board Responsibilities

  • A. The Review Board will hear complaints and render verdicts citing ASBSU Code and the Constitution.
    • i. Complaints filed with the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs will be heard before the Review Board. A supermajority (4⁄5) verdict is required to uphold a complaint against an individual and to take action against them. Following the upholding of a complaint, the Review Board will then decide if articles of impeachment should be brought to the General Assembly and the Academic Senate.
    • ii. Constitutional and Code violation complaints verdicts will be rendered by the Review Board by a simple majority (3⁄5) vote.
    • iii. These decisions will immediately render null and void any legislation or actions that contradict the ASBSU Code and Constitution.
  • B. The Review Board will have jurisdiction over all Boise State University students involved with ASBSU operations. This includes, but is not limited to, all members of the Legislature, all Executive Cabinet members, all Review Board members, as well as declared candidates for any ASBSU office.

Section 3. ASBSU Constitution and Code

  • A. The ASBSU Constitution supersedes all other student governing documents.
  • B. The ASBSU Code supersedes all other passed legislation by ASBSU, including all executive orders.

Section 4. In the event of a vacancy of any of the Review Board Member positions due to impeachment, resignation, or other circumstances, the Vice President shall nominate a replacement to be confirmed by the General Assembly and Academic Senate with a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote.

Section 5. In the event that the role of Review Board Chief is vacant due to impeachment, resignation, or other circumstances, the President shall nominate a replacement to be confirmed by the General Assembly and Academic Senate with a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote.

ARTICLE V – Legislation

Section 1. Legislation can be proposed by any fee-paying student. All Legislative actions must be sponsored by at least one member of the General Assembly or Academic Senate. Two or more types of Legislation cannot be combined into one document. All types of legislation can be introduced by Assembly members and Senators.

  • A. Types of Legislation
    • i. Resolutions: Legislation that requires substantive action from the Executive Branch or the University and is binding to ASBSU members.
    • ii. Bills: Legislation involving the budget and the movement and/or spending of ASBSU funds.
    • iii. Declarations: Legislation that provides the formal opinion of ASBSU on a given topic, but does not require substantive action.
    • iv. Code Changes: Changes made to any ASBSU Code document. Presented by the Legislature or Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs and requires a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote in both chambers.
    • v. Code Regulations: Legislation that is a temporary change of code but cannot supersede the constitution. Presented by the Legislature or Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs and requires a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote in both chambers.

Section 2. The fiscal year budget is to be proposed by the outgoing and incoming Executive Cabinet
and confirmed by the outgoing General Assembly and Academic Senate with a simple majority vote.


Section 1. The President shall appoint an elections manager who will be confirmed by the Academic Senate with a simple majority vote. The elections manager and the members of the Review Board, excluding the Review Board Chief, will comprise the Elections Committee and will regulate and specify the manner and conduct of all elections within the constraints of this Constitution.

Section 2. Elections for the President, Vice President, Associate Vice Presidents, Review Board Chief, and Senators will be held in or before the second week of April. Elections will not be held earlier than the second week of March.

Section 3. All elections will occur for a consecutive period of two (2) days.

Section 4. The President, Vice President, Associate Vice Presidents, Review Board Chief, and Senators will be inaugurated and take office on the last weekday of April.

Section 5. An initiative will be voted on by the Associated Students if a petition is filed with the validated signatures and student identification numbers of five (5) percent of the Associated Students. An initiative will go into effect upon its approval by a majority of the ballots cast by the Associated Students in a general or special election. No initiative will go into effect if it contradicts this Constitution.

Section 6. A referendum to nullify any piece of ASBSU legislation will only be placed before the Associated Students in an election if a petition is filed with the validated signatures and student identification numbers of five (5) percent of the Associated Students. Any piece of ASBSU legislation will be nullified if it is voted down by a majority of the Associated Students in a general or special election.

ARTICLE VII – Removal from Office

Section 1. All elected and appointed officials in ASBSU are subject to impeachment and removal from their respective offices.

Section 2. Impeachable offenses shall include and be limited to: breach of this Constitution, breach of ASBSU Code, breach of the University Code of Conduct, and criminal conduct.

Section 3. Nothing in this Constitution or ASBSU Code shall be construed to suggest that rude or disrespectful behavior, disagreement on subjects relevant to ASBSU, or any other political or ideological disagreement reaches the standard required for impeachment.

Section 4. The Impeachment Process

  • A. To impeach a member of the General Assembly, Academic Senate, or the Executive Branch (excluding the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs), a complaint must be filed with the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs.
    • i. A complaint must be presented to the Review Board by the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs, where at least 4 out of 5 Members must vote to uphold the complaint before articles of impeachment are sent to the General Assembly and Academic Senate, where a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote is required for approval of impeachment.
  • B. To impeach the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs, a complaint must be filed by a member of the General Assembly or Academic Senate with the President, who will act as the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs in the process.
    • i. A complaint must be presented to the Review Board by the President, where at least 4 out of 5 Members must vote to uphold the complaint before articles of impeachment are sent to the General Assembly and Academic Senate, where a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote is required for approval of impeachment.
  • C. To impeach a member of the Review Board, a complaint must be filed by any member of ASBSU to the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs, who will then present the complaint to the Executive Cabinet which must vote to uphold or deny the charges.
    • i. The Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs will not vote in questions regarding complaints against or the impeachment of members of the Review Board.
    • ii. Any vote by the Executive Cabinet to uphold a complaint against a Review Board Member must be unanimous. The Executive Cabinet will then decide whether articles of impeachment should be brought to the General Assembly and Academic Senate, where a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote is required for approval of impeachment.

Section 5. Impeachment hearings will be held jointly in the General Assembly and Academic Senate. The General Assembly and Academic Senate will vote in favor or against impeachment, and a two-thirds (2/3) vote in both chambers will be required to approve the motion. These hearings will be open for public view, and votes by all members will be recorded in a roll call. Any official impeached by the General Assembly and Academic Senate is considered immediately to be removed from office.

ARTICLE VIII – Constitutional Amendment Process

Section 1. Amendments and revisions to the Constitution will take place through a constitutional convention. A convention will be called through a Resolution for proposing amendments and/or revisions to this Constitution with two-thirds (2⁄3) majority approval in both the General Assembly and the Academic Senate.

  • A. Once a convention has been called, the President will communicate to the Associated Students all relevant information pertaining to the convention.

Section 2. Delegates will include and be limited to three (3) Executive Cabinet members appointed by the President, three (3) General Assembly members appointed by the Assembly Leader, three (3) Academic Senators appointed by the Senate Leader, and three (3) students-at-large appointed by the Review Board Chief.

  • A. The delegates will determine a time and place for the meeting of the convention.
  • B. Once in session, the delegates of the convention shall elect from their membership a convention chair to lead the proceedings and craft the agenda.
  • C. If a delegate is unwilling or unable to attend, a replacement delegate must be selected by the Officers empowered in Article VII Section 2.
  • D. Officers may not appoint themselves as delegates.
  • E. Students-at-large appointed by the Review Board Chief may not be current members of ASBSU.

Section 3. A convention requires at least nine (9) delegates to be present in order to establish a quorum. Amendments and/or revisions must receive at least eight (8) votes to be approved.

  • A. Once the delegates have finalized all proposed amendments and/or revisions, the convention will adjourn and be dissolved.
    • i. If amendments are not approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the University, the convention may continue meeting to revisit the amendments.

Section 4. Approved amendments will be sent to the General Assembly and Academic Senate or to
the student body in a special or general election for a final vote.

  • A. If the proposed amendments and/or revisions affect no more than one (1) article of this Constitution, they may be approved by a two-thirds (2⁄3) majority vote in both the General Assembly and the Academic Senate.
  • B. If the proposed amendments and/or revisions affect more than one (1) article, they will be submitted to the Associated Students in a general or special election. Amendments to Article VII (Constitutional Amendment Process) cannot be passed by the Legislature and must always be sent to the student body in a general or special election.
    • i. Proposed amendments and/or revisions submitted to the Associated Students must be approved by a simple majority of the vote. A minimum of ten (10) percent of the Associated Students must vote in order for amendments and/or revisions to be considered approved by election.
  • C. If amendments are not approved by either the Legislature or the Associated Students, they will be considered defeated, will not take effect, and cannot be revisited until a new convention is called.
  • D. The convention shall determine the time and manner in which amendments are to take effect. If amendments are approved by the Legislature or the Associated Students, they may take effect no later than the beginning of the next semester.

Section 5. Amendments to this Constitution shall be detailed in Article IX and must include a complete record of sections modified and the rationale for changes and revisions.

ARTICLE IX – Amendments

____________ / ___________ / ___________

By the Convention Delegates – Yea/Nay/Abstaining


Adam Jones, ASBSU President


Dr. Marlene Tromp, Boise State University President

____________ / ___________ / ___________

By the Student Body – Yea/Nay/Abstaining





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