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Get Involved With ASBSU

Why Get Involved?

ASBSU is Boise State’s student-led engine for change and prosperity in our campus community. Our members are involved for a variety of reasons. ASBSU enables a large range of involvement for different people. Some members are part-time campus employees who dedicate many hours a week towards their work, others are at-large students who attend committee meetings whenever they can.

Whether you are looking to spend several hours a week or just a few hours a semester on what you are passionate about, ASBSU has an option for you.

There are several reasons you may want to join ASBSU:

  • To advocate for and protect students on campus and across the State of Idaho.
  • To demonstrate exceptional passion and talent to yourself and your community.
  • To develop professional leadership skills and personal knowledge that are highly sought after by employers.
  • To impact the community through trailblazing legislative work that changes student lives for the better.
  • To lead by example, motivating and empowering others to take action and get involved in their communities.

This webpage will tell you everything you need to know about being a member of each ASBSU body and how to join them.

Joining a Committee

  • Summary: ASBSU’s committees are by far the easiest way to get involved with ASBSU and with your campus community!
  • Time Commitment: At-large students may commit as much or as little time towards their committee work as they like.
  • Benefits: Committee positions are unpaid. Aside from reaping the benefits of a stronger and healthier campus community, members are often connected with leaders and organizations that are relevant to their committee’s area of focus. Members will also gain valuable experience and many career development opportunities in their time on their committees.
  • How To Join: Joining a committee is as easy as asking! Visit our ASBSU Committees webpage and find a committee whose work you are passionate about, then reach out to the chair and/or any of the members on their roster to get involved.
  • Learn More: Visit the ASBSU Committees webpage to learn more and get in contact with committee members, or contact us at if you have questions!

Starting a Committee

More information coming soon!

Joining the Legislature

  • Summary: Joining the ASBSU Legislature is perhaps the best way to represent yourself and your peers on campus and make meaningful positive changes in the BSU community all while developing professional skills and building a strong and diverse résumé.
  • Time Commitment: Legislators are required to attend weekly legislative meetings and be an active member of at least one legislative committee. This means legislators can choose their level of involvement, working as little as two hours a week, or as much as they please.
  • Benefits: Legislative positions are unpaid, though legislative positions are easily the best for résumé and skill building while on a tight schedule.
  • How To Join: Applications to fill vacancies in the Senate and Assembly for the Spring 2024 semester are currently open. A list of the current vacancies is available in each application form. Keep an eye out for announcements about this semester’s Senate elections for Fall 2024.
  • Learn More: Visit the Senate and Assembly webpages to learn more and see their current members or contact us at if you have questions!

Joining the Student Funding Board

  • Summary: The Student Funding Board is the body of ASBSU responsible for hearing grant applications from students and student organizations for significant funding for their activities.
  • Time Commitment: Funding Board officers are part-time employees, and work for approximately 5 hours a week.
  • Benefits: Funding Board officers are the only paid staff aside from Executive Cabinet members in ASBSU. They are paid by stipend twice a semester and are formal university employees. Funding Board officers arguably have the largest immediate impact on BSU students, guiding students through the process and deciding whether or not an application is ultimately approved for funding.
  • How To Join: Funding Board officers are appointed to their positions when there are vacancies by the Associate Vice President of Financial Affairs (AVPFA). Contact the current AVPFA directly or ASBSU in general at if you are interested.
  • Learn More: Visit the Student Funding Board webpage to learn more and meet our current funding board members, or contact us at if you have questions!

Joining the Executive Cabinet

  • Summary: The Executive Cabinet is the beating heart of ASBSU. Its members are charged with managing and executing the many bills, activities, and organizations of the collective student government to keep the gears turning.
  • Time Commitment: Executive Cabinet members traditionally spend the most time working of any ASBSU members. Depending on their specific position, a member may be budgeted to work between 8 and 15 hours a week.
  • Benefits: Executive positions enjoy the greatest compensation and benefits of all positions in ASBSU. Members receive stipend payments twice a semester, are often exposed to leaders within the university and state/local governments, and are formally employed by the university.
  • How To Join: Most Executive Cabinet positions are won through election by all eligible BSU students. Elections are held each Spring for the entire cabinet. Those elected leaders then appoint students to the remaining non-elected positions.
  • Learn More: Visit the Executive Cabinet webpage to learn more and meet our current cabinet, or contact us at if you have questions!

Joining the Review Board

  • Summary: The Review Board stands ready to mediate and resolve tough conflicts within ASBSU.
  • Time Commitment: Review Board members are only required to meet when they are called upon. The time commitment for Review Board members is difficult to predict as a result and largely depends on the number of ethics complaints that are submitted.
  • Benefits: Review Board members are unpaid. Membership reflects an ability to maintain viewpoint neutrality and make difficult legislative and constitutional interpretations.
  • How To Join: Review Board Chief is elected by the student body during Spring elections, and the remaining Review Board members are appointed by the current outgoing president, incoming president, incoming AVP of Inclusive Excellence, and the incoming AVP of Academic Affairs. Contact info for these members is available on the Executive Cabinet Members webpage.
  • Learn More: Visit the Review Board webpage to learn more and meet our current board members, or contact us at if you have questions!
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