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Student Funding Board


The Student Funding Board (SFB) is the body of ASBSU which is charged with funding students and student organizations through grants. The Associate Vice President of Financial Affairs chairs the SFB and its six voting members.


Please pay attention to our Event Timeline before submitting your request. If you request a grant after the deadline we provided, we will be unable to fund your request.

Hearing Times

Grant hearings are held weekly on Mondays from 4:00-6:00pm.

Hearing Location

Student Union Building, Foote Conference Room (2nd floor, north side next to Bergquist lounge). Students who are unable to attend in-person may opt to attend virtually via Zoom.


General Information

The SFB holds hearing in-person and over Zoom. All in-person hearings will be located in the Student Union Building Foote Conference Room. For any questions or concerns, please reach out to

Opportunities for Student Organizations


While ASBSU strives to provide as much funding as possible to students and student organizations, it is a reality of the event planning process that many larger projects will require additional sources of money beyond what we can give. Students are encouraged to pursue additional fundraising opportunities. The Student Involvement and Leadership Center provides information on the process.

Additional opportunities can be found around campus, such as the one linked below.

Athletics Fundraising Opportunity for Clubs


If your grant request was denied, ASBSU provides a limited appeals process. You may appeal a denial if:

  • You feel the denial has no grounds
  • Funding Board procedures were violated
  • Viewpoint Neutrality was violated

A form is provided below for those wishing to file an appeal. Appeals are handled by the Associate Vice President of Ethics Affairs. For more information about appeals, reach out to

Appeal Form