Boise, ID – During a Joint Meeting on Monday, January 27th, the ASBSU Assembly and Senate passed three resolutions. After signing these resolutions, ASBSU President Isaac Celedon released the following statement.
“Last week, our student representatives approved several resolutions addressing important issues for Boise State. First was Resolution #3, which formally begins the process of changing the student government constitution. Currently, some groups such as online students, students on fee waivers, or members of recognized Tribes might be excluded from voting. Our goal here is to change that. We want to ensure more students can vote in ASBSU elections, and thus have a voice advocating for them to the University and to the community.”
“We also passed Resolution #4. Here, ASBSU adopted this statement in defense of Academic Freedom. This means that both our student government and faculty senate have taken a strong stand in defense of academic freedom at Boise State. The right to free inquiry and discussion across differences are critical to a University, and we will continue to work to support a culture of academic freedom and tolerance on our campus.”
“Finally was Resolution #5, which focused on addressing the pressing need to secure more scholarships for our students. The biggest challenge students face is unmet financial need. As student government, we can advocate and articulate this need for more scholarship funding. This resolution was championed by Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs Nick Lloyd, and has been in the works for months. I am incredibly grateful for the work he has done for students. This resolution will be communicated to administration and our University fundraising partners, with the hope of raising awareness for the importance of supporting student success through scholarships.”
“I am proud to sign these three resolutions, and proud of our leadership team for the hard work they have put in. We will always make student needs our top priority. As always, Go Broncos.”
Isaac Celedon, ASBSU President