Professor, Ceramics
BA in Art, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 1981
MA in Art, 1984
MFA in Art, 1987, California State University, Fullerton
Jim Budde was born in the small farming community of Red Bud, Illinois, near St. Louis. He received his MFA at California State University, Fullerton. Budde went on to teach in Southern California high schools and community colleges before beginning an art professorship at Boise State University in 1994. Public collections of his work include the Peabody Essex Museum, World Ceramic Exposition Foundation, Fine Art Museums of San Francisco, ASU Ceramic Research Center, Boise Art Museum, Fuller Craft Museum, Racine Art Museum and the Sparta Teapot Museum. Books and catalogs featuring his work include Teapots: Makers and Collectors, The Best of Five Hundred Ceramics and The Dianne And Sandy Besser Collection. Periodicals featuring his work include Ceramics Monthly, American Craft, Clay Times and American Style. Awards include the Visual Arts Fellowship Grant from the Idaho Commission on the Arts, and the Distinguished Research Award from the College of Arts and Sciences at Boise State University.