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Astri Snodgrass

Astri Snodgrass headshot

Associate Professor of Drawing and Painting

MFA University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL
BA Luther College, Decorah, IA
Nansenskolen Norsk Humanistisk Akademi, Lillehammer, Norway


Prior to joining the faculty at Boise State University, Astri Snodgrass taught at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She has been an Artist-in-Residence at Studios Midwest, the Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts and Sciences, and the Virginia Center for Creative Arts. Her work has been shown nationally in solo and group exhibitions, most notably at Channel to Channel in Nashville, TN, the Fuller Projects at Indiana University Bloomington, and the Fuel and Lumber Company in Birmingham, AL.

Experiences at Nansenskolen Norsk Humanistisk Akademi in Lillehammer, Norway and Universidad Nacional de Cuyo in Mendoza, Argentina helped shape her longstanding interests in language, light, and color. Snodgrass works under the umbrella of collage, integrating painting, drawing, printmaking, and photography. She uses indexical mark-making in relation to the body: literal and metaphorical traces of touch. Her practice is cyclical, taking previous work as a point of departure. Mediated gestures of transferring, printing, and rubbing are a means of reproduction, producing a translation more than a mere copy.

Visit Astri Snodgrass’s website