About Us
The Boise State Department of Art, Design and Visual Studies works within diverse cultural and visual contexts. We value inclusivity and experimentation, encourage risk-taking and advance knowledge in our field through research and practice.
The faculty embraces traditional and contemporary approaches toward materials, forms, techniques, and ideas while always seeking the refinements, innovations, and inversions that allow art to convey meaning and agency. We share with our students the physical and intellectual experience of art and craft and assist them with acquiring the skills and knowledge to practice as artists, teachers, theorists, historians, designers and illustrators.
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The Department of Art, Design and Visual Studies at Boise State is a vibrant center of excellence in art and design that educates and prepares students to be innovative, creative problem solvers, critical thinkers and globally-engaged citizens.
Closed captions are available in the video and you can access a descriptive transcript at Video Transcript – The Department of Art, Design and Visual Studies.