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2024 University Anniversaries

This is a list of some of the notable events in Boise State’s history. If you know of others, email

  • 1934 (90) First commencement
  • 1939 (85) Boise Junior College becomes a public institution
  • 1949 (75) Intercollegiate Knights build the fireplace near the SUB
  • 1954 (70) Science building (now Math) opens
  • 1969 (55) Boise College becomes Boise State College, moving into the state system of higher education
  • 1974 (50) Boise State College becomes Boise State University
  • 1974 (50) Buster Bronco’s first appearance
  • 1974 (50) Pat Bieter leads the first student exchange program to the Basque Country
  • 1979 (45) Education Building opens
  • 1984 (40) Morrison Center opens
  • 1989 (35) Enrollment became the largest in the state at 12,586 students
  • 2004 (20) First honorary doctorate awarded to alum and filmmaker Michael Hoffman
  • 2004 (20) Keiser and Taylor Halls open