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Idaho Great Reads, 2002-2024

TitleAuthor Year
It’s Her Story: SacajaweaRandy’L He-Dow Teton2024
Four Treasures of the SkyJenny Tinghui Zhang2024
The Bright SideChad Otis2023
The Beadworkers: StoriesBeth Piatote2023
The Stories Behind the StoriesDanielle Higley2022
Cloud Cuckoo LandAnthony Doerr2022
All the Way to the TopAnnette Bay Pimentel2021
Beauty and the BeakDeborah Lee Rose and Jane Veltkamp2018, 2019, 2020
All the Light We Cannot SeeAnthony Doerr2015, 2016, 2017
Boys of BlurN.D. Wilson2014
Polly Bemis: A Chinese American PioneerPriscilla Wegars2013
The Birthday BoxLeslie Patricelli2012
100 CupboardsN. D. Wilson2011
My Darlin ClementineKristiana Gregory2010
Mudgie & MillieSusan Nipp2009
King of the Mild FrontierChris Crutcher2008
Un BrellaScott E. Franson2007
P Is for Potato: An Idaho AlphabetStan Steiner & Joy Steiner2005
Lewis and Clark’s Bittersweet CrossingCarol Lynn MacGregor2004
Mailing MayMichael O. Tunnell2003
Caddie WoodlawnCarol Ryrie Brink2002