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BS Anthropology Evolutionary Medicine and One Health Emphasis

One Health expands our awareness of the continuum between species and the interconnectedness of human, animal, and environmental health. This perspective is in demand to face the challenges in the coming decades. The One Health paradigm is gaining traction in many areas of physiological, mental, and community health because of its broad and integrative perspective. It has received particular support as a result of the COVID pandemic since a One Health lens is crucial to understanding zoonotic diseases. This Evolutionary Medicine and One Health Specialization invites pre-professional pathway students with a curriculum that is designed to integrate with pre-medical and pre-veterinary requirements. Yet, it is also flexible to the needs of students who are interested in applied work and research. Evolutionary Medicine can serve as a crucial foundation for One Health, informing the similarities, differences, and critical aspects of decision-making.

Required Courses

Take the following:

  • ANTH 105 – Evolution and Human Behavior (FN) (3)
  • ANTH 314 – Environmental Anthropology (3)
  • ANTH 325 – Human Variation (3)
  • ANTH 354 – Cognition in Humans and Other Animals (3)
  • ANTH 425 – Medical Anthropology: Disease, Culture, and Healing (3)
  • ANTH 492 – Senior Practicum-Portfolio (FF) (1)
  • BIOL 192 – Biology II: Introduction to the Diversity of Life (4)
  • BIOL 304 – Biology III: Foundations of Ecology and Evolution (4)

Take at least 2 of the following:

  • ANTH 350 – Human Behavioral Ecology (3)
  • ANTH 352 – Evolution of the Human Lifecycle (3)
  • ANTH 306 – Kinship and Social Organization (3)

Take at least 9 credits from the following:

  • Upper-division electives from ANTH, BIOL, ENVSTD, HLTH, or as approved by advisor.

Statistical Methods Courses

Take the following:

  • ANTH 155 – Introduction to R Programming (1)
  • MATH 254 – Statistical Methods (FM) (3)

Research Experience Courses

Take the following:

  • DATA-R 322 – Principles of Data Science (3)

Take at least 3 credits from the following:

  • ANTH 418 – Research Methods for Social Scientists (3)
  • ANTH 479 – Undergraduate Research Experience (0-3)
  • BIOL 479 – undergraduate Research Experience (0-3)
  • DATA-R 485 – Statistical Modeling in R (3)
  • HLTH 382 – Research Methods in Health (3)
  • VIP 400 – Vertically Integrated Project (1-2)

Take at least 34 credits from the following:

  • Electives to total 120 credits. See your advisor for recommended electives.

See the Undergraduate Catalog for a complete list of One Health emphasis requirements

Career Outlook

  • Health Sciences: Medical, Dental, Veterinary, Occupational Therapy, Physician Assistant
  • Psychiatry and Psychology
  • Wildlife Management
  • Agricultural Management
  • Public Health
  • Social Work
  • Education and Outreach
  • Genetic Counseling
  • Government and Private Research Laboratories