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BS Anthropology Cultural Emphasis

Cultural anthropologists seek to understand diverse societies around the world. We work with traditional healers conserving indigenous lifeways, and technology firms inventing the future. The methods of cultural anthropology stress direct experiential participation, doing research with and alongside communities and organizations as they seek to achieve their goals. Because of our success in building cultural awareness and translating it into action, there is a growing demand for cultural anthropologists in industry, government, and non-governmental organizations. The cultural emphasis includes a Native American and Indigenous Studies Minor and courses in User Experience Research (UXR) to expand your toolkit of methods and prepare you to put anthropology to work after graduation.

Required Courses

Take the following:

  • ANTH 102 – Cultural Anthropology (3)
  • ANTH 216 – Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion (3)
  • ANTH 303 – History and Theory in Anthropology (3)
  • ANTH 306 – Kinship and Social Organization (3)
  • ANTH 307 – Anthropology of Native North America (3)
  • ANTH 314 – Environmental Anthropology (3)
  • ANTH 420 – Social Network Analysis (3)
  • ANTH 492 – Senior Practicum-Portfolio (FF) (1)

Language Courses

Take at least 16 credits from the following:

Complete an intermediate world language certificate

Anthropology Elective Courses

Take at least 3 credits from the following:

  • Upper-division anthropology courses excluding ANTH 479, ANTH 490, ANTH 492, ANTH 493, ANTH 494

User Experience Research Courses

Take the following:

  • UX 360 – Working in the UX Space (1)
  • UX 361 – Ethical User Research (1)
  • UX 362 – Asking and Listening (1)
  • UX 363 – Contextual Inquiry (1)
  • UX 364 – Design Thinking for Better UX (1)
  • UX 365 – Go Deeper with Theory (1)
  • UX 366 – Communicating User Research (1)
  • UX 367 – Just Enough Research (1)
  • UX 368 – Planning a Productive Capstone (1)
  • UX 469 – Capstone Project (3) (Optional Elective)

Additional Research Experience Courses

Take at least 1 credit from the following:

  • ANTH 479 – Undergraduate Research OR
  • VIP 400 – Vertically Integrated Project

Native American & Indigenous Studies Minor Courses

Take at least 3 of the following:

  • ANTH 312 – Archaeology of Native North America (3)
  • ANTH 320 – Latin American Prehistory (3)
  • ENGL 390 – Ethnic Literature (3)
  • HIST 341 – Native American History (3)
  • LING 318 – Introduction to Morphology and Syntax (3)
  • LING 418 – Linguistic Typology (3)
  • LING 428 – Indigenous Languages of North America (3)

Take at least 3 credits from the following:

  • Upper-division electives to total 40 credits.

Take at least 24 credits from the following:

  • Electives to total 120 credits

See the Undergraduate Catalog for a complete list of required Cultural emphasis courses.

Career Outlook

Private Sector/Applied Anthropology

  • Organization Change
  • International Buisness
  • Design and User Experience
  • New Technologies, Innovation, Future Studies
  • Community/Patient-Centered Healthcare

Public Sector/Nonprofit/Advocacy

  • Sustainability and Environmental Change
  • Community/Student-Centered Engagement
  • Equity and Community Engagement
  • Translation/Interpretation
  • Peace and Cooperation
  • Culturally Appropriate Economic Development
  • Documentary Filmmaking
  • Museum Sciences