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The Department of Anthropology supports a series of lab groups bringing together undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty to research topics of broad public relevance.

Students can receive 1-3 ANTH 479 Undergraduate Research credits per semester for participating in weekly lab meetings. These upper-division anthropology elective credits can be repeated.  If you would like more information, please contact the appropriate faculty leader. Learn more about the research being done in the Anthropology department by reviewing the lab groups below.

Desert Studies Institute

The Desert Studies Institute (DSI) was established in 1997 as a cooperative program between the Department of Anthropology at Boise State University and Celebration Park, which is currently operated by Canyon County Parks, Recreation, and Waterways. Each year, the Desert Studies Institute provides a broad range of academic offerings of interest and value to students, teaching professionals, Idaho’s citizens, and visitors.

Click here to learn more about DSI!

The Center for Applied Archaeological Science

The Center for Applied Archaeological Science is a research and contract archaeology program that conducts small and large-scale cultural resource surveys and excavations.

Click here to learn more about the CAAS!