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Idaho Archaeologist

Idaho Archaeologist journal cover

The Idaho Archaeologist is published semi-annually by the Idaho Archaeological Society in cooperation with the College of Arts and Sciences, Boise State University. The Idaho Archaeologist is the journal of the Idaho Archaeological Society, a non-profit association of professional and amateur archaeologists, organized under the laws of the State of Idaho.


Subscriptions (2 pdf issues/year) are $15.00 per year. Subscriptions can be paid via credit card through the Idaho Archaeological Society Store.

Style Guide


Manuscripts should be submitted electronically to the editor at Papers should be submitted in Microsoft Word. Figures, tables, maps, and other illustrative material should be placed within the text by authors. Figures should not have borders. Illustrations should have appropriate scales and captions and be referenced in the text. Manuscripts should have a title, author(s) names, abstract, key works (5-6), main topic headings (introduction, methods, findings, results, conclusion as appropriate), acknowledgments (if desired), references cited, and contact information for author(s) to include affiliation and email contact. Footnotes and endnotes are not accepted with the exception of notes within tables. Appendices are not accepted. Font size and style must be 11 point and Cambria. In general, the journal conforms to the style sheet of Plains Anthropologist. The journal expects authors to review and edit manuscripts prior to their submission.

Manuscript Reviews

Manuscripts submitted to the journal are subject to peer review. Authors should expect two peer reviews per article. Reviews are normally returned within six weeks of submission. Reviewers suggest publication, publication with revisions and rejection. Short notes, comments, and book reviews are evaluated by journal staff. Authors are encouraged to submit the name of one potential reviewer. This individual should have familiarity with the topic of the submitted manuscript.

Galley Reviews

Authors will receive a galley proof of their article prior to publication. Proofs should be corrected using standard proofer’s marks and returned within 48 hours of receipt. Only minor editorial corrections are permitted. Authors requiring additional time to review a galley should immediately contact the editor.