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Kendall V. House

Kendall House headshot

Clinical Assistant Professor
Phone: (208) 426-3896
Office: Math Building, Room 137A

Kendall House’s Publications on ORCiD


Ph.D., Anthropology, University of California, Davis

M.A., Anthropology, University of California, Davis

B.A., Anthropology, Boise State University

Research Interests

  • Anthropology of Work
  • Applied Ethnography
  • Design Anthropology
  • Design for Equality and Inclusion
  • User Research

Courses Taught – Undergraduate

  • Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • Kinship, Social Organization, and Networks
  • History and Theory in Anthropology
  • Anthropology & Political Economy
  • Anthropology of Religion
  • Applied Anthropology
  • Cultural Concepts in Anthropology
  • Economic Anthropology
  • Evolution and Human Behavior
  • Anthropology of Native North America
  • Issues in Cultural Diversity
  • Peoples and Cultures of the World
  • Race, Gender & Sexuality

Certificates Taught – Undergraduate

User Research Experience Certificate

  • Working in the UX Space
  • Ethical User Research
  • Asking and Listening
  • Contextual Inquiry
  • Design Thinking for Better UX
  • Going Deeper with Theory
  • Communicating User Research
  • Just Enough Research
  • Planning a Productive Capstone
  • User Research Capstone Project

Certificates Taught – Graduate

Graduate Certificate in User Research Experience

  • Fundamentals of Design Anthropology
  • Ethnography for User Experience Research
  • Emerging Digital Cultures