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Archaeology and Anthropology

Walter Roth Museum

About the Publications

Archaeology and Anthropology, The Journal of the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology is published cooperatively by the University of Guyana and the Department of Anthropology, Boise State University as the journal of the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology.  All issues have open access availability on our website.

There are other publications published by the Walter Roth Museum of Anthropology available for purchase in electronic PDF format.

Queries regarding journal submissions maybe directed to:

Louisa Daggers, Co-Editor
Archaeology and Anthropology

Mark G. Plew, Co-Editor
Archaeology and Anthropology
Department of Anthropology
Boise State University
1910 University Drive
Boise, Idaho 83725

Editorial Advisory Board for Archaeology and Anthropology

Arie Boomert, Leiden University, Faculty of Archaeology
Janette Bulkan, Department of Forestry, University of British Columbia
George Mentore, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia
Basil Reid, Department of History, University of the West Indies
Stéphen Rostain, Pantheon-Sorbonne University