Objective: Describe how hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy, and geothermal heat pumps work.
Cultural shift is what we need to save our species. To assure the survival of the humans, it will require a cultural shift. (DeWitt)
Sam also explains that diesel used all over in interior of Alaska. Technology to get solar panels out is there. Villages know of it and individuals sometimes use them. There are wind generators near the coast – especially on the Aleutians. Energy sources depend on the area. (Demientieff)
Objective: Describe three alternative energy technologies.
One alternative is river current electrical generation, where the river is really swift and dependable, could be a great alternative energy technology. But drift wood is a problem, as it needs to keep clear to keep running. (Demientieff)
Objective: Describe two forms of energy-efficient transportation.
Developing diesel motors to be more fuel efficient would be a good option. People could also use dogs in the winter in villages, but it takes a lot of time and money to run teams and they need a lot of fish to feed dogs. Sometimes can’t get enough fish to feed dogs in winter – because regulations tell you can’t fish at certain times or have to limit amount. Bureaucracy is interfering with the native way of doing things. (Demientieff)
In This Section:
- Chapter One: Science and the Environment
- Chapter Two: Tools of Environmental Science
- Chapter Three: The Dynamic Earth
- Chapter Seven: Aquatic Ecosystems
- Chapter Eight: Understanding Populations
- Chapter Nine: The Human Population
- Chapter Ten: Biodiversity
- Chapter Twelve: Air
- Chapter Thirteen: Atmosphere and Climate Change
- Chapter Fourteen: Land
- Chapter Fifteen: Food and Agriculture
- Chapter Sixteen: Mining and Mineral Resources
- Chapter Seventeen: Nonrenewable Energy
- Chapter Eighteen: Renewable Energy
- Chapter Nineteen: Waste
- Chapter Twenty One: Economics, Policy, and the Future