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Application Materials


The Boise State University Student Philanthropy Board (“SPB”) Grant Program is a new initiative in philanthropy at Boise State University. Administered by the SPB, each year $25,000 in grant money will be awarded to support the philanthropic efforts of various Boise State University student organizations and individuals. 


Grants will be available to BSU registered student organizations or individuals that are working on a philanthropic project or initiative. If a student or group of students who are not a part of a recognized student organization would like to apply for a grant, they must receive a sponsorship or endorsement from an on campus academic department or student affairs department by obtaining at least 2 signatures (one from a chair or director and one from a financial or administrative staff member in the department). Once an organization or individual receives a SPB Grant, the funds must be used within one year of receipt of funds. If an organization or student does not spend the money within one year, they may be eligible for an extension by appealing to the SPB Grant Committee. The organization or individual will not be eligible to receive another grant from the SPB for two years following a funding award from the SPB.  

Any organization or initiative affiliated with the SPB may still apply; however, those within the committee that are involved with the respective organization must recuse themselves from the hearing and decision-making process to avoid bias. For the first year, $12,500 will be available, to be awarded in the spring of 2023. For all subsequent years, $25,000 in grant money will be available, with half awarded during the fall semester and half in the spring semester. Applicants may apply for a maximum amount of $12,500, but final decisions regarding the award amount will be left to the discretion of the SPB.

Grant Application Timeline

After the application deadline, the grant committee will narrow the field to qualified finalists. These finalists will be required to create a presentation for the committee to better explain their plan and intended use of the money. This requirement will help inform the grant committee’s final decision regarding funding awards for that grant cycle. An end-of-grant report will be required one year after the funds are awarded  to measure the impact of the funding award and provide the SPB with specific examples of what the grant funding has enabled the organization or individual to accomplish.

Spring 2024

  • Thursday, February 22, 2024 at 5 p.m. – Grant Application Opens Online
  • Tuesday, March 5, 2025: 5 to 6 p.m. at Alumni and Friends Center – Workshop for Applicants
  • Wednesday, March 27, 2024 by 11:59 p.m. – Grant applications due by midnight
  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024: 7 to 9 p.m. at Alumni and Friends Center, Dean’s Conference Room 209 – Pitch Night
  • Friday, April 12, 2024: Email  – Notify finalists of funding decision

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