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Start a New Chapter

Chapters are considered affiliate organizations of the Boise State Alumni Association. Boundaries of new geographic chapters (generally within a 60-mile radius) will be agreed upon by chapter organizers and alumni staff. No new chapters may be established in areas with existing chapters. Exceptions may be considered, provided there is demonstrated alumni interest in another formal organization. Generally, chartering a chapter will not be considered if the population for the served region is less than 500 alumni or social or professional group counts less than 300 alumni.

The typical chartering process will take between 6 months to a year to complete and includes the following steps. All required forms are submitted to the director of regional and affinity alumni programs.

  1. Submit a request to start a chapter form below.
  2. Plan a chapter launch event in collaboration with the director.
  3. Hold a minimum of two planning meetings to outline a year of chapter programming and events.
  4. Submit the yearlong outline of programs/events that support the mission of the Boise State Alumni Association.
  5. Draft chapter bylaws.
  6. Chapter leaders sign a data access confidentiality form and submit it.
  7. Recruit members to your developing chapter. Individuals sign up for the chapter via the Alumni Club and Chapter Active Member Form.
  8. When you have a minimum of 25 chapter members who have opted in via the Alumni Club and Chapter Active Member Form, you are ready to begin planning your 5-10 presentation to the Alumni Association Executive Committee to request your formal chapter charter. The director will submit the documentation to the committee

Based on the supporting documentation, the Executive Committee will determine whether the applicant chapter’s activities have met the requirements for official charter recognition and make a recommendation to the board of directors. Chapters are reviewed annually by staff to ensure that chartering requirements are being met.

If the board of directors approves the proposed chapter’s application, an official charter will be granted. A charter entitles a chapter to receive benefits and services from the association. Service benefits (i.e., graphic design, event registration) will begin at the time the charter is approved. Financial support for chapters and events is dependent on the association’s availability of resources.

Each official chapter will designate one person (typically the chapter president) to serve as a non-voting representative to the alumni association board of directors.

Request to Start a New Chapter

Name of Lead Applicant(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Submission of this form starts the year-long chartering process.
(i.e. Puget Sound Chapter, Magic Valley Chapter, Forensics Alumni Chapter)
By the end of the chartering year, a minimum of 25 alumni must opt into your chapter via the online form. The director will pull a list of your memberships upon request to attach to this request.

Visit the Bronco Contact, Chapter and Club Handbook.

Important Information


  • Boise State Alumni Association: A non-profit corporation 501(c)(3) with a mission to “connect, celebrate and engage alumni and friends of the university to build lifelong relationships that support the future of our university.” By fostering alliances among alumni, students, friends, and the university community and building new traditions, the alumni association supports our public, metropolitan research university. Members of the association include graduates of the university, former students and friends of the university. All chapters, clubs, contacts and advocates are affiliate organizations of the Boise State Alumni Association.
  • Chapter: A constituency group of the Boise State Alumni Association which supports the missions of the university and the alumni association through its activities. Chapters may be created in geographic regions, based on special interests or social affiliations or affiliated through an academic or professional (or corporate) focus.
  • Club: A collective group of active alumni and friends. Typically, clubs are smaller than our chartered chapters. As a club grows, they do have the option of changing their status to a chapter.
  • Bronco Contact: A volunteer who serves as a contact person for a geographic region, academic unit or special interest group not served by an officially chartered chapter or club. This program is designed for areas or groups that do not have a sufficient number of alumni or an adequate volunteer base to sustain a viable chapter or club. These individuals organize activity(ies) for these areas and serve as key contacts, typically for a geographic area.
  • Constituent or Constituency: an individual or group of people who have any connection to, history with or passion for Boise State University, the Boise State Alumni Association, or the Broncos.
  • Event: An activity produced by a Bronco Contact, club, chapter or the Boise State Alumni Association that can include but is not limited to a social, educational and/or charitable function in alignment with the mission of the Alumni Association.
  • Charter: Privilege granted by the Boise State Alumni Association to a specific constituency group that enables the group to operate under guidelines set forth in the chartering agreement. See Boise State University Policy #11040, Alumni Association Chapter Recognition.
  • Alumni Association Dues-Paying Member: An individual who has paid or is paying a lifetime membership or someone who is a current dues-paying annual member of the Boise State Alumni Association. Anyone can be a dues-paying Boise State Alumni Association member.

Mission and Values

The Boise State Alumni Association is part of an integrated advancement team. Our vision is to create the best culture of philanthropic and alumni engagement of any public university in the country. All chapters, clubs and contacts are affiliate groups of the Boise State Alumni Association and all activity that is undertaken in each group must be in alignment with the mission and values of the alumni association.

Alumni Association Mission

The Boise State Alumni Association connects, celebrates and engages alumni and friends of the university to build lifelong relationships that support the future of our university.

Alumni Association Guiding Values

  • Connect alumni and friends strategically back to the university linking their interests to university needs.
  • Support students through scholarships and programs that foster a life-long commitment to the university.
  • Advocate, promote and educate the public concerning the value of investing in Boise State University and higher education in Idaho.

Chapter in Good Standing: Requirements to Sustain a Chapter after Year One

In order to retain its charter, each chapter must meet the following requirements:

Membership & Leadership

  • Chapter ‘members’ are defined as all eligible alumni and/or friends who actively participate in chapter activities, live within the chapter’s geographical boundaries, share a common academic background, share a special interest, work for the same corporate entity or are otherwise eligible to participate in chapter activities AND who have opted in to the chapter via the Alumni Club and Chapter Active Member Form.
  • Voting members who have met the above definition should elect officers at the first official chapter gathering and at annual meetings thereafter. Standard parliamentary procedure is recommended. Officers must include (at minimum) a president, vice president, and a secretary/treasurer. (Titles can be defined by chapter leaders at the time the bylaws are written.)
  • Terms of office are typically two years with two consecutive terms maximum.
  • The leadership team may establish committees, if appropriate.
  • All chapters will be governed by a three-person (at minimum) volunteer leadership group. All chapter leaders must complete a signed confidentiality form.


  • Chapters may not collect dues but may charge fees to cover both the event and incidental chapter expenses such as postage. It is the Boise State Alumni Association expectation that events should be designed to break even unless you have approved financial assistance.
  • The chapter secretary/treasurer works with the alumni association on budget/reimbursement needs.
  • An annual chapter program plan and any requests for financial assistance must be submitted to the director of regional programs by March 1 for the upcoming fiscal year which starts each July.
  • Scholarship and other fundraising options should be discussed with staff prior to any collection of funds

Activities and Publicity

Chapters are expected to sponsor a minimum of three events per year. At least one should be a diverse, high-quality event to stimulate participation from all segments of the alumni population (your chapter’s signature event). Chapter events must address two of the three services to Boise State: Social, Service and Scholarship each year. For example, the chapter may plan one or more football watch parties and then also host a send-off in their geographic area for incoming Boise State freshmen, hold an annual reunion, or dinner event.

Other suggested activities: letter writing campaign to students who have not yet committed to Boise State, hold a recruiting event to add members to your chapter, develop a BOLD (Broncos Of the Last Decade) committee for your chapter, and/or plan a tour, social event or community service event. Charge an admission fee to one of your events and donate the proceeds to our Legacy Scholarship fund. Or, develop your own scholarship and support a specific academic program at Boise State. Select an alumni event to support with volunteer and or financial power (Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner, Top Ten Scholars, Bi-annual Auction Gala, Legacy Lunch, etc.).

Affinity chapters may collaborate on an event with the corresponding academic college and provide support for a selected focus such as recruitment, internships, job placement or scholarship funding specific to their college. Challenge another chapter to a giving day contest or invite them to join you in a planned alumni engagement event. Pool the chapter resources and provide a unique trip/activity package for the auction gala that happens every other year in odd numbered years.

  • Chapters should submit drafts of alumni publicity and all alumni mailings to the alumni association for approval and mailing (use NetCommunity).
  • Use of all licensed Boise State, Athletic and Alumni Association logos/brands must be approved by staff and must follow guidelines as presented in the Boise State Alumni Association Branding Guide (available from staff). All Collegiate Licensing Company (CLC) rules must be followed.
  • Chapter leadership should serve as an advocate for alumni engagement and philanthropic efforts. Please share current email addresses for constituency and send the information to the alumni association. Be a voice for our online CONNECT platform and educate alumni about how to stay connected to Boise State. Make sure your profile is current at
  • Chapter leadership may recognize members for their volunteer service at events (board meetings) and in communication materials and by nominating members for the Distinguished Alumni Service award annually.
  • Chapters may create recognized social media options (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and may link them to the Boise State Alumni page. Chapters may also create generic email addresses to avoid publicizing personal contact information.
  • Maintain a roster of active members: minimum 25 members.

Rules of Order

  • Comply with the provisions set forth in chartering procedures and chapter bylaws.
  • Communicate any significant changes in the volunteer group to the alumni association (i.e., officer changes, bylaw revisions, webpage information, etc.).
  • Be fiscally responsible and operate on the same fiscal year as the alumni association which begins on July 1 and ends on June 30 of each year.
  • Work within alumni association timelines to ensure events and communications are produced according to schedule and adhere to Boise State Alumni Association branding requirements. Please allow for a 30 day notice prior to any email or print communication at a minimum.

Benefits for Chapters in Good Standing

Chapters are reviewed annually by staff to ensure that chartering requirements are being met.

  • Email invitation support for three events (option to negotiate for more).
  • Materials/postage for letter writing campaign to potential students.
  • Event kit/swag/door prizes for event(s) (not to exceed $250).
  • Chapter banner provided after year one of successful completion of all requirements.
  • Link to Facebook page on Boise State Alumni website (main chapter information page).
  • Access to alumni association logos and chapter logos for publicity use (t-shirts, posters etc.). Be a good brand ambassador and comply with our style guide.
  • Roster of all potential alumni members for chapter provided to leaders.
  • Coordination of up to two marketing communication pieces (postcard, invitation etc.) per year (includes design, printing and mailing) to promote an upcoming activity/event. Football watches will only be promoted via email invitations through NetCommunity and the football watch website page.
  • Event registration assistance for events.
  • Guidance and consultation for event planning.
  • Campus facility space for meetings (in Boise only).
  • 501(c)(3) status (this does not mean exempt from sales tax but the director can assist with purchasing items, paying deposits etc. with state purchase card).
  • May request financial support for alumni outreach efforts. Must submit request by March 1 deadline for the following fiscal year (July-June). Submitting a request does not guarantee support. All requests are evaluated and considered based on available resources.

Probation and Surrender of Charter

Chapters are reviewed annually by staff to ensure that chartering requirements are being met.

The board of directors of the alumni association reserves the right to deactivate or dissolve the charter of any chapter that no longer meets the requirements outlined in the chapter in good standing documents or does not operate within the spirit and/or letter of the guidelines as set forth in this document.

Charter probation will be determined by the alumni association executive committee and a notification letter of probation will be sent to the appropriate leadership group.

Once a chapter is placed on probation, it will have one year from the date of notification, to comply with the requirements of chapter in good standing. At the end of that time, the executive committee may vote to reactivate the chapter’s charter. Benefits provided to the group as outlined in the benefits for chapters in good standing and Bronco Contacts will continue.

If the probationary chapter does not meet the requirements, the executive committee will recommend the deactivation or dissolution of the chapter. A personal phone call, followed by a written notice of deactivation or dissolution, will be made to the leadership group immediately after such a decision is reached. Notification of action to the entire constituency will be posted on the Boise State Alumni Association website.


Reinstatement of a deactivated club or chapter charter may be requested by fulfilling the current chartering requirements.


Once a chapter has been dissolved by the board of directors, all of the constituent group’s assets and net income — current and accumulated — remaining after the payment of its debts, obligations and claims will be transferred to and become the property of the alumni association. A chapter may be dissolved if it is misaligned with Boise State University or Boise State Alumni Association’s missions. A chapter may be dissolved if volunteer leadership is deemed by the alumni association board of directors or staff to be ineffective (i.e., the chapter has had no activity or volunteers are unable to meet requirements of position descriptions) and all efforts to assist the respective leadership group or recruit new leadership have not resulted in a positive change for the chapter.

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