Bylaw Template
The Boise State Alumni Association connects, celebrates and engages alumni and friends of the University to build lifelong relationships that support the future of our University.
The formal name of this chapter shall be the [Name] Alumni Chapter of the Boise State Alumni Association.
The purpose of the [Name] Alumni Chapter is to support the mission of the Boise State University Alumni Association and to promote in an organized manner the interests of Boise State University in establishing closer contact between the University and the constituents of the [Name] Alumni Chapter.
Chapter membership encompasses all alumni and friends who associate with Boise State University or the Boise State Alumni Association and are interested in promoting the goals of the [Name] Alumni Chapter. (define constituency or geographic region). Voting chapter ‘members’ are defined as all eligible alumni and/or friends who actively participate in chapter activities, live within the chapter’s geographical boundaries, share a common academic background, share a special interest, work for the same corporate entity or are otherwise eligible to participate in chapter activities as defined by the chapter purpose AND who have opted in to the chapter via the Alumni Club and Chapter Active Member Form:
Section 1. Officers and at-large members
(a) The officers of the Chapter will include (at minimum) a president, vice president, secretary/treasurer. These officers will perform duties prescribed by these bylaws.
(b) The Chapter Board will have at least (two) at-large members who participate in Chapter planning meetings and activities, thus making a volunteer leadership base of five persons. (best to have an odd number)
(c) The Chapter Board will conduct the business of the Chapter and have general supervision of the affairs between its meetings, fix hour and place of meetings and make recommendations to the Chapter.
Section 2. Qualifications
(a) To be eligible for nomination as president, the candidate will have served as Chapter vice president or a board member during the previous year.
(b) To be eligible to serve on the Chapter’s board, individuals must be current dues-paying members of the Alumni Association.
Section 3. Nominations
(a) The Chapter Board shall direct the nomination process to elect new officers and at-large board members. Any Chapter officer or voting member may nominate candidates.
(b) At least once during a two-year period, the Chapter Board will make a call for at-large board member nominations from its membership.
Section 4. Elections and terms
(a) All eligible voters (voting members) must receive notification of the ballot at least two weeks prior to elections. Candidates are elected by a majority vote of voting members. Elections will take place as determined at the Chapter’s annual meeting.
(b) Terms of office are two years with two consecutive terms maximum. (defined by the chapter)
(c) No member shall hold more than one office at a time, and no member will be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office unless the Chapter’s board grants an exception.
Section 5. Vacancies
The Chapter Board has the authority to appoint a member to complete a term that becomes vacant between elections. The appointee may be nominated to the same office at the next election.
Section 6. Officer Duties
(a) The duties of the president will be to:
- preside at board meetings and other Association meetings
- represent the Chapter at Boise State University Alumni Association Board of Directors meetings
- prepare the annual Chapter in Good Standing Report and chapter budget and in consultation with staff and present to BSUAA
(b) The duties of the vice president will be to:
- preside in the absence of the president
- perform such duties as the president and Chapter Executive Board shall assign
(c) The duties of the secretary/treasurer will be to:
- take minutes at the Chapter Board meetings
- send the minutes to the Chapter Board members and BSUAA staff following the meetings
- perform such duties as the president and Chapter Executive Board shall assign
- inform the Boise State Alumni Office of changes in the volunteer contact information
- review and regularly reports on the financial operation of the Chapter
- approve expenditures in consultation with and in accordance with BSUAA policies
Section 1. There will be a minimum of two Chapter Board meetings, one general membership meeting, and at least three events during the fiscal year.
Section 2. Any member of the Chapter may attend a Chapter Board meeting.
Section3. Representatives of the BSUAA staff and current Alumni Association Board members may attend all Chapter meetings.
Section 4. Other individuals not identified above may attend board meetings by invitation of the Chapter Board.
Committees, special or standing, will be appointed by the president with the approval of the Chapter Board as deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Chapter.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised may serve as a guide to conduct meetings.
These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Chapter by a two-thirds vote of the members, provided that the amendment has been submitted in writing at the previous regular meeting.