Developing a Pressbook
We have fully substituted the primary textbook of the course by developing a Pressbook. The opportunity of developing a Pressbook created a variety of benefits. First, we were able to develop our own content regarding the primary subjects of the class, including time management, goal setting, mindset, and study skills, among others. Second, we increased textbook utilization by the students in the course. Through assessment, students reported they would not have purchased the textbook if we had not offered a free OER option, even though the book is required and used regularly in the course. Lastly, the OER textbook was especially beneficial as the course became remote in 2020 due to COVID. Students always had access to it, we could easily reference it in class through Blackboard and Zoom, and students were not burdened with an additional cost during a difficult time.
Project Impact:
- 2 sections for both fall and spring semesters, 1 section for summer.
- 60 students per year.
- Reduce textbook costs for students.
- Increase likelihood of students utilizing the textbook.
- Access to additional material to improve student learning.
About the Project
Advising and Academic Support Center
Course: ACAD 102
Funding Source: Provost’s Office, OER Support Grant
About the Authors