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Pathways Project OER Language Teaching Repository

What is The Pathways Open Educational Resource Language Teaching Repository?

The Pathways Open Educational Resource (OER) Language Teaching Repository, an initiative from the Boise State University Department of World Languages, is an open and collaborative network of instructional materials and professional development created by and uniquely for Idaho’s K-16 language teachers and students. The more than 550 resources and materials created by the Pathways Project are available for any language instructor or student to use!

Teachers and students participating in the Pathways Project come from different fields of study and schools across Idaho to create open (i.e., free), digital activities that support the teaching and learning of foreign languages and promote intercultural competence. We hope to impact the opportunities learners have to connect to the global world!

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About the Project

Courses: Lower-Division Language Courses including Arabic, Basque, Mandarin Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Funding Source:  Provost Office’s Grant

About the Project Directors

Portrait of Kelly Arispe

Kelly Arispe received her Ph.D. in Spanish Linguistics at the University of California, Davis with a Designated Emphasis in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) in 2012. She has taught Spanish Linguistics and Spanish language courses at the University of New Mexico, San Jose State University, and Sonoma State University. In addition, she has extensive experience teaching online and in the hybrid format and has co-taught annual workshops in Salamanca, Spain to train Spanish teachers and professors on how to effectively integrate technology in their language courses.

Portrait of Amber Hoye

Amber Hoye received her Masters of Educational Technology (MET) and a graduate certificate in Online Teaching for Adult Learners from Boise State University. She also holds two Bachelors degrees in Mass Communication and Spanish. Her current responsibilities as Director of the World Languages Resource Center include supporting faculty implementing educational technology and other innovative practice, maintaining the department’s website, offering consultations and workshops for faculty, as well as scheduling and supervising the department’s many conversation labs. Amber also instructs WORLD 300: Career Exploration and Portfolio Development, a preparatory class for language majors that helps them to prepare for entering graduate school or the job market.