Policy Title: Policy Development Authority
School of Allied Health Sciences (SAHS) Policy
Effective Date: July 1, 2019
Establish the procedure and line of authority through which School-wide policy may be established within the School of Allied Health Sciences (SAHS) and to promote consistency in the development, modification, and presentation of SAHS policies and procedures that apply to all departments.
Additional Authority:
All School of Allied Health Policies are superseded by Boise State University and College of Health Sciences policy as well as State and Federal statutes.
Applies to the creation or amendment of all School of Allied Health Policies.
Responsible Party:
Director, School of Allied Health Sciences, (208) 426-3292
School of Allied Health Sciences (SAHS) policies and procedures may be developed and/or amended in response to organizational needs perceived by any member of the SAHS community, including faculty, staff, students, and university and community partners. SAHS Policies are expected to be supplementary to, consistent with, and complementary to State Board of Education, Boise State University, and College of Health Sciences policies. Policy initiation or amendment may be proposed by administrators, faculty of staff of the SAHS.
- A person or group within the SAHS with a new policy amendment concept or proposal shall work with the SAHS policy review committee to draft the policy proposal, facilitate appropriate consideration by all departments within the SAHS, and execute timely final action (i.e., approval or disapproval at the school level).
- In the interest of shared governance, all proposed new school-wide policies and amendments, other than minor amendments (e.g., such as wording changes or other changes that do not change the substance of the policy), will be provided to the SAHS policy review committee for review. The committee will provide guidance as to the requirements of submitting a proposal, make recommendations for revision, and determine if the policy may be implemented at the school level. Policy matters that are academic in nature or as set forth in Article III of the Faculty Senate Constitution must be reviewed by the Faculty Senate.
- The proposal authors and the Policy Review Committee must provide documentation of the review and revision process, with guidance from the College of Health Sciences Dean’s Office and/or the Boise State University policy office as needed.
- The Policy Review Committee must present final drafts of policy proposals and amendments to the SAHS full-time faculty, administration, and staff for approval, revision, or rejection. SAHS full-time faculty and staff will be provided a specified time frame (1-2 weeks) for open comment.
- Final policy proposals and amendments will be approved, subject to revision, or rejected by the full-time faculty, full-time staff, and administration of the SAHS. Given that not all issues pertain to all full-time employees of the School, we adopt the following, which are consistent with Article III of the Boise State University faculty constitution:
- Only full-time faculty members will vote on policies and procedures governing the performance of research, scholarship and creative activities.
- Only Tenure/Tenure Eligible and Administrative Faculty will vote on policies and procedures governing tenure, and promotion of tenure-track positions.
In all other matters, and because we cannot anticipate every circumstance in which a policy matter might be proposed, the full-time faculty and staff are expected to consider abstaining from voting on new or amended policy if the proposed policy does not substantially pertain to their job responsibilities within the SAHS.
- Approved proposals and amendments by faculty and staff will be submitted to the director of the SAHS for signature indicating approval, revision, or rejection. In the event of revision, policy proposals and amendments will be returned to the policy originators and the Policy Review Committee. In the event of rejection by the director, a written explanation will be provided to the faculty, staff, and administration of the SAHS.
- Approved policy proposals and amendments, by the director of SAHS, will be submitted to the dean of the College of Health Sciences for approval and signature, revision, or rejection. In the event of revision, policy proposals and amendments will be returned to the policy originators and the SAHS Policy Review Committee. In the event of rejection by the dean, a written explanation will be provided to the faculty, staff, and administration of the SAHS.
- The SAHS policy review committee will review SAHS policies every five years.
- All approved SAHS policy proposals and amendments will be promulgated to faculty, staff, and administration within the SAHS.
- All approved SAHS policies will be maintained by the offices of the Director and each of the Department Administrators within the School.
- Each SAHS policy will remain in effect for five years, unless revised through the amendment process.
SAHS Policy Review Committee
- The SAHS policy review committee membership will ensure representation of faculty and staff from all SAHS programs and departments.
- Appointments to the committee will be voted on by the faculty and staff within respective programs and departments. Each department must have at least two representatives: one full-time faculty and one full-time staff member. Each program, including free-standing programs in the School (i.e. Genetic Counseling), will be invited to name one representative, but will not be required to do so.
- Generally, in the interests of developing effective committee participations, continuity, and carryover to expertise, committee assignments will be for terms of two years. Reappointments may be made.
- The committee will meet on an as-needed basis to review new and amended policy proposals. The director of the school or designee will call for meetings as needed.
- As described in section II B. the committee provides guidance as to the requirements of submitting a proposal, makes recommendations for revision, and determines if the policy may be implemented at the school level.