Research isn’t meaningful if people don’t know about it!
Check out how work in the CAHL has received local and national attention.
- Utah Public Radio: New research examines glyphosate exposure in agricultural communities
- The Conversation: Glyphosate, the active ingredient in the weedkiller Roundup, is showing up in pregnant women living near farm fields – that raises health concerns
- The Guardian: Pregnant women near farms had higher weedkiller levels during spraying season
- Idaho Press: Idaho study: People living near farms have greater exposure to common, potentially harmful pesticide during spray season
- The New Lede: “What is going on?” Pregnant women living near farm fields show increased weed killing chemical in their urine
- Boise State Public Radio: How pesticides are impacting Latino farmworkers
- The Wall Street Journal: They Believe Pesticides Caused Their Cancers. Proving It Is Almost Impossible.
- Environmental Health News: Organic diets reduce glyphosate exposure for pregnant people: Study
- NPR: The USDA is making sure your organic food is organic. But what does that mean?
- Verywell health: Is Your Food Really Organic? Does It Matter?
- Idaho Statesman: ‘They should value our experience and sacrifice’: Idaho farmworkers struggle with wages
- NIH Grantee Highlight: Teaming Up to Protect Agricultural Communities in Idaho
- The Guardian: ‘Disturbing’: weedkiller ingredient tied to cancer found in 80% of US urine samples
- Idaho Statesman: Agricultural pesticides and cancer? Idaho researchers hope to better understand link
- Apple Podcast: The Health and Environmental Impacts of the Foods We Eat
- KTVB 7: New research on pesticide exposure aims to help protect Idaho farmworkers
- Boise State University News: Multidisciplinary research team receives grant to study pesticide exposure among Idaho’s Latinx farmworkers
- Idaho Press: BSU researchers find Latina farmworkers face workplace hazards, lack of health, child care
- Idaho News 6: Research finds Latina farm workers in Southwest Idaho face long work hours, exposure to pesticides
- Idaho Environmental Forum: Forum Short 004: Latina Farmworker Well-being
- Boise State University: App Makes Data Collection Easier for Researchers and Study Participants in Health Sciences
- Boise State University: Two Graduate Students Earn Awards to Present Research at National Conferences
- HuffPost: Organic Food’s Health Benefits Have Been Hard To Assess. But That Could Change.
- The Conversation: Organic Food Health Benefits Have Been Hard To Assess, But That Could Change
- Idaho Statesman: Months after Idaho workers were sickened by pesticides, still more questions than answers
- Boise State Public Radio: Does an Organic Diet Make You Healthier?
- KIVI Boise 6 On Your Side: Boise State University Researchers Study Effects of Organic Produce on Pregnant Women
- Boise State University News: Long Term Organic Diet Intervention Reduces Pesticide Metabolites in Pregnant Women
- PBS: What You Need To Know About a Popular Weed Killer’s Alleged Link to Cancer
- NBC News: Popular Weed Killer’s Alleged Link to Cancer Stirs Widespread Concern
- Kaiser Health News: Q&A: Popular Weed Killer’s Alleged Link to Cancer Spreads Concern
- Philly Voice: Popular Weed Killer’s Alleged Link to Cancer Spreads Concern
- Boise State University News: Faculty & Staff In Action: Cynthia Curl
- Bloomberg: How Much Herbicide Can You Tolerate in Your Food, and for How Long?
- Boise State University News: Cynthia Curl Awarded NIH Grant to Study Herbicide Levels in Pregnant Women
- Collaborative on Health and the Environment: Pesticide Exposure in Vulnerable Populations: New Horizons for Evaluating Sources and Health Outcomes
- NEWSWIRE: 20 Pinoeers Under 40 in Environmental Public Health
- The New York Times: These Goldfish are 70 Percent Organic
- Boise State University News: Mojtaba Sadegh, Jen Pierce, Nancy Glenn and Cynthia Curl Co-Author Article Titled “Will Clean Air Fade Away?”
- Boise State University Update: Cynthia Curl helped produce a paper recently named the “Best Environmental Epidemiology Paper of 2017”
- University of Washington PNASH: Recognizing and Reducing Hazards in Pacific Northwest Potato Production
- Consumer Reports: An Easy Way to Remove Pesticides
- Civil Eats: Can Organic Food Prevent a Public Health Crisis?
- Bloomberg: How Organic Produce Can Make America Less Healthy
- Boise State University News: Does long term exposure to air pollution contribute to the development of heart disease?
- Boise State University News: Drs. Cynthia Curl and Dale Stephenson Present Research at the International Society of Exposure Science in Utrecht, Netherlands
- Boise State University News: Jessica Porter Presents Research Proposal at the Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety’s 2016 Conference
- Life Reimagined: Live Cleaner, Eat Cleaner by Friday
Gimlet Media’s “Science Vs” Podcast – In the most recent season of the podcast titled “Science Vs”, Wendy Zukerman interviews Dr. Cynthia Curl as part of her investigation of Organic vs. Conventional Food science. (Dr. Curl’s part in the interview begins at 12:50)
- University of Washington: ITHS Research Scholar Looks at Role of Organic and Conventional Diets During Pregnancy
- KID News Radio (590AM/921FM) – Interview about USDA Funded Study of Methyl Bromide on Eastern Idaho Farms:
- Transcription of KID News Radio Interview
- TakePart: Non-Organic Foods Have Pesticide Residue – But Is It Bad For You?
- TIME: Eating Organic Produce Exposes You to Fewer Pesticides, Study Says
- Huffington Post: The Hidden Ways Manipulated Science Harms Our Health, From Measles To Organics
- NPR Boise State Public Radio: Boise State Professor Crowdfunding for New Study on Organic Food
- Civil Eats: New Science Confirms: If You Eat Organic You’ll be Exposed to Fewer Pesticides
- Fast Company & Inc.: Scientists Can Predict Your Pesticide Exposure Based On How Much Organic Produce You Eat
- The Organic Center: Cynthia Curl, Boise State University
- Boise State University News: Cynthia Curl Publishes Pesticide Exposure Study in Environmental Health Perspectives
- Boise State University Update: Researchers Begin Study on Organic Consumption by Pregnant Women
- Boise State University Update: Study Helps Predict Pesticide Exposure in Diet
- Boise State University Update: Say Hello to New Staff and Faculty Faces on Campus
- Boise State University News: Cynthia Curl Continues to Receive Recognition for Pesticide Study
- NPR Boise State Public Radio: Boise State Researcher Could Change How We Study Pesticides
University of Washington’s School of Public Health: Magnuson Scholar Seeks Answers on Pesticides, Food and Health
Huffington Post: Could Organic Produce Be the New Ritalin?
- New York Times: When Young Children Go Organic
- NBC News: New Reasons for Eating Organic?