Rachel Phinney, a graduate research assistant in Dr. Curl’s agricultural health lab, was awarded Best Poster Presentation at the Cascadia 2019 Annual Symposium on Environmental, Occupational and Public Health Annual Symposium in Blaine, WA, held on January 10th and 11th. Her poster is entitled “Recognizing and Reducing Safety Hazards in Northwest Potato Production,” and it describes the collaborative work between the Center for Environmental Excellence for Health and Safety represented by Drs. Cynthia Curl and Karin Adams, and the Washington State and Idaho Potato commissions. Her poster displays the most dangerous tasks as perceived by Washington and Idaho potato growers, as well as corresponding ‘potential hazard sheets’ that are intended to encourage growers to reduce the risk of injury on their own farms. Rachel is a first year masters student in the Masters of Health Science program in the Department of Community and Environmental Health, and she earned her Bachelors of Science in Health Science from Boise State in 2017.
For more information, visit the College of Health Sciences website.