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Dr. Curl Selected as one of 20 Pioneers in Environmental Public Health Under 40

Presents Webinar Describing her Work

The Collaborative on Health and the Environment, a nonprofit organization that facilitates the distribution of evidence-based knowledge and resources to improve individual and community health, nominated Dr. Cynthia Curl as one of 20 pioneers under 40 who are contributing exceptional work related to environmental and public health concerns. These nominees each developed content for a webinar describing their work to inspire further exploration of the links between the environment and public health, and a total of 10 webinars were created.

Dr. Curl contributed information about her pilot research project in the webinar titled, “Pesticide Exposure in Vulnerable Populations: New Horizons for Evaluating Sources and Health Outcomes.” In her portion of the webinar, Dr. Curl discussed both dietary ingestion as a potentially important pathway by which the public may be exposed to agricultural pesticides and the importance of evaluating in utero exposures to pesticides. This period is a critical part of development, and pesticides are associated with a wide range of adverse health outcomes; therefore, it is crucial to evaluate pesticide exposures among pregnant women. If you’d like to know more about Dr. Curl’s research, check out the current projects being conducted through her lab on the Curl Agricultural Health Research lab webpage.