We’re thrilled to announce some exciting changes to our eligibility criteria for our automatic scholarship offerings for nonresident students enrolling in the fall 2024 academic year. Boise State is expanding the threshold of GPA-based eligibility requirements so more nonresident students are eligible for the Ridgeline, Summit and WUE Scholarships. By doing this, we’re opening up the door for even more students to receive well-deserved awards.
So, What’s Changing?
This table outlines the new eligibility requirements for fall 2024 students.
Note: Scholarship eligibility is based on unweighted cumulative high school GPA for first year students. Transfer students’ eligibility is based on cumulative college GPA.
View Your Scholarship Status
If you’ve already applied and/or have been accepted to Boise State, you scholarship awards may have changed. To view your scholarship status, log in to my.BoiseState to review your financial aid package.
Apply to Boise State
Haven’t completed your application to Boise State? All application materials must be submitted by the following deadlines to be eligible for automatic scholarships.
December 15: Nonresident first-year priority application deadline
February 15: Nonresident transfer priority application deadline