The Office of the Provost is pleased to provide an update on the University Strategic Enrollment and Retention Plan (SERP). The plan, which supports Goal One of the Blueprint for Success, will guide our efforts to recruit, retain, and support students’ learning and preparation for life after graduation.
Staff and faculty from across Academic Affairs and Student Affairs and Enrollment Management created the SERP in a series of working groups, and through this process generated ideas to support the student experience. These proposed strategies will increase access to a Boise State education, attend to the need to help every student thrive, and support students’ trajectory toward graduation. A particular focus of the plan aims to close gaps in access, retention, and graduation for students who are first-generation, Pell-eligible, Latinx, and/or from rural areas.
The SERP website both showcases these plans and serves as a place to document our progress. The plan document is included as a link on the site. There is also a place to submit additional student access and success ideas for consideration. We invite you to bookmark the page.
Although the P in SERP stands for Plan, the SERP is both a Plan and an ongoingProcess aimed at supporting Goal One of the Blueprint for Success. The university is incredibly fortunate to have a wealth of ideas and initiatives to enhance the student experience at Boise State.
As we move into implementation of the Strategic Enrollment and Retention Plan, the Office of the Provost and leaders in Student Affairs and Enrollment Management look forward to working across the university in alignment with additional work happening in departments, colleges, and other units to improve student success at Boise State.
If you have any questions, please contact Susan Shadle –