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Call for Participants – First Year Leadership Collaboratory

Collaboratory: an open space which facilitates a creative process where a group of people work together to generate solutions to complex problems.

As you know, the first year of a student’s experience in higher education is crucial for their success. The Provost’s office, College of Arts and Sciences (COAS), and University Foundations (UF) are partnering to create the First Year Leadership Collaboratory, a “think-tank” of faculty and staff at Boise State experienced with working with first year students to explore and inform policy and practices and make recommendations regarding first-year studentsā€™ learning experiences.

We are looking for a few first year student champions and invite you to volunteer for this work group! We would especially value input and collaboration from those teaching first year students or those who work closely with first year students.

For more information and to apply for the collaboratory, please see theĀ Call for ParticipantsĀ and/or contact Candyce Reynolds (