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Packet Requirements for Tenure and/or Promotion

General Components of a Candidate’s Packet in RPT

University Policy 4340 no longer uses the “Binder” language, but instead has been updated to reflect our current RPT system. This diagram illustrates the relationship between “Binder 1″/”Binder 2” and the sections within a candidate’s packet in RPT. Please consult Policy 4340 for specific details about each requirement, as well as Policy 4490 and Policy 5010 for clinical and research faculty requirements. Most importantly, department, school, and college policies provide more specific guidance about what should be included in a candidate’s packet.

A diagram that lists the requirements for a candidate's packet and how they correspond to the previous terms Binder 1 and Binder 2.

See this table with Requirements for Tenure-Track/Tenured, Clinical, and Research Faculty Aligned to Case Sections in RPT.

Read more about Interfolio’s Review Promotion and Tenure (RPT) tool including more about Interfolio, the selection process, what modules were implemented at Boise State, and available resources.