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Adjunct Faculty Advisory Committee

Adjunct of the Year Award Call for Applications

2022 Adjunct of the Year Award Winner, Finalists, and Nominees
Mission and Structure

The purpose of the Adjunct Advisory Committee (AAC) is to identify, address, and advance the needs and interests of adjunct faculty members at Boise State. The AAC is sponsored by the Provost’s Office and chaired by the Assistant Provost for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs (APALFA).

The mission and purpose of the AAC is to:

  • advise the Provost’s Office and other campus stakeholders (e.g. Human Resources, Faculty Senate, Center for Teaching and Learning) on the development and implementation of activities, policies, and procedures that enhance the experience and inclusion of adjunct faculty and recognize the ways in which adjunct faculty support Boise State University in its pursuit of its mission;
  • advocate for adjunct faculty interests in processes related to University educational and operating procedures and policies (as they relate to adjunct faculty).


B statue reflected in a glass orb, held by two hands
Branded stock photos in the studio, Allison Corona photo.

The committee will meet at least two times each semester. At the end of the academic year, in collaboration with the APALFA, the committee will draft a summary of its work and the recommendations that come out of that year’s discussions. This summary will be submitted to the Provost and other relevant University stakeholders (e.g., Human Resources, Faculty Senate, Center for Teaching and Learning, etc.) for review, and also can be used by the Adjunct Faculty Representative to the Faculty Senate as a guide for items to advocate for on behalf of adjunct faculty.

Adjunct Advisory Committee Members

Veronica Van RyCollege of Arts and Sciences
Sarah LauschCollege of Arts and Sciences
Kathleen McDonaldCollege of Business and Economics
Cortney CampbellCollege of Business and Economics
VacantCollege of Education
VacantCollege of Education
VacantCollege of Engineering
VacantCollege of Engineering
Alexia DeetzCollege of Health Sciences
VacantCollege of Health Sciences
John RoppSchool of Public Service
Leahann RomeroSchool of Public Service
Cole PinnoCollege of Innovation and Design
Corrina ProvantRobinshawExtended Studies
Graduate College
VacantHonors College
VacantUniversity Foundations
Christina NavaCenter for Teaching and Learning
Christopher InnesAdjunct Faculty Senate Representative


The committee will consist of at least 12 and no more than 17 members, composed of adjunct faculty from the following colleges:

Two members from each of the following academic units

  • College of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Business and Economics
  • College of Education
  • College of Engineering
  • College of Health Sciences
  • School of Public Service

One member from each of the following academic units (if applicants)

  • College of Innovation and Design
  • Extended Studies
  • Graduate College
  • Honors College

One non-voting member from Human Resources

Adjunct Faculty Representative to Faculty Senate


  1. The Junior Representative from each College shall conduct an election to fill the seat(s) to be vacated by the Senior Representative at the end of the current academic year.
  2. In the event that a constituency has a single representative, that representative shall be deemed both the senior and junior representative for that constituency and (as a result) shall conduct the election for their own replacement. If that representative is nominated to the ballot, the election must be carried out by a neutral party, such as the President of the Committee. 
  3. The election for these seats will be conducted by the Junior Representative in the following manner:
    1. In the week prior to Spring Break, the Junior Representative(s) will send a written or electronic communication to each adjunct faculty member of the College for the purpose of soliciting nominations or self-nominations.
    2. In the second week after Spring Break, but no later than the first full week of April, the Junior Representative will conduct an election among all adjunct faculty in the College containing the names of candidates willing to serve. The election may use either paper or electronic ballots, provided security precautions are observed.
  4. In the second week of April, the Junior Representative will inform the President and the APALFA  in writing or electronically concerning the results of this election. The person receiving the most votes shall be the new Junior Representative for the College.

Expectations and Compensation

Representatives will be expected to attend at least two 60 minute meetings per semester. Becoming a member of AAC means a commitment to attend and to participate in all or most AAC meetings, events, and activities, and meetings with Boise State personnel including administrators, faculty, and staff.

AAC members are responsible for representing the needs and concerns of adjunct faculty to the campus administration, making recommendations related to adjunct professional development and working conditions, and providing advice in the development and implementation of policies and procedures related to adjunct faculty.

The AAC reviews any issues that collectively impact the interests and/or needs of the adjunct faculty at Boise State. AAC decisions are by consensus or by a simple majority of a quorum. A majority of the AAC membership shall constitute a quorum.


Because adjunct faculty are paid for teaching and do not have a service expectation, members of this committee will be compensated for their work at the current average adjunct faculty hourly rate.


Boise State PSA Constitution

Boise State ACE By Laws

Boise State Faculty Senate By Laws

Kennesaw State Part-Time Faculty council by laws

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