Google Chrome browser is recommended for this task.
Required: To receive access to the Status of Evaluations report, contact us at
Click anywhere in the left-hand sidebar outside of the Home section.
Under the Quicklinks menu in the upper-right corner of the browser, look for the Status of Evaluations link.
In the General box, make sure the date range encompasses the entire range of evaluation deadlines cycle (e.g., Jan 1 – April 30 of the current calendar for a normal timeline or Jan 1 – deadline for the final evaluation step).
In the Faculty box, make sure you have selected “All Active” faculty as of the previous fall term.
Click Build Report.
Click on the number in the Total Number of Faculty Evaluations column corresponding to the evaluation process (look in the Process Title column for the process title).
Now you can find the list of faculty by step (i.e., Evaluation Title) and see the progress (be sure to select “Show All Entries”).
Review the Submitted column. It will indicate whether or not that step has been submitted by the given faculty member. In the column to the left, Last Saved, it will tell you when it is last saved. Sometimes faculty save but forget to submit.
To see a faculty member’s self-eval, click on corresponding Evaluation Title (e.g., Annual Evaluation Step 1: Self-Evaluation).
Note that this can also be used to review and export (print to file) a copy of your evaluation of a faculty member.
For export, use the Actions menu in the top-right of the page to either Print Page or Export to Excel.
If you choose Print Page, use the browser’s print function – we recommend setting the layout to Landscape if the goal is to send to the printer. You can also print to PDF if desired; use the browser’s functionality to do this.
To print additional faculty members’ self-evaluations, first click the back button on your browser; then use the link twice at the bottom left of the page to return to the previous screen to return to the full list.