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Resources now available for the annual faculty evaluation process

Because the calendar year 2021 has been declared an “affected term” (Spring, Fall, and Summer 2021), the Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs office has developed resource materials for faculty and academic leaders to support the annual faculty performance evaluation process. They can be found in the folder Annual Evaluation Process for Calendar Year 2021 and are posted on the website for Academic Leadership and Faculty Affairs.


A few modifications have been made to the evaluation process that will occur during the Spring 2022 semester. As was the case last year, the goal of these modifications is to provide faculty with the option and tools to document the impact of COVID-19 on their professional responsibilities so that their performance evaluation appropriately reflects the realities of working under pandemic conditions. The first modification is that deadlines have been adjusted again this year:

  • February 22 is the deadline for faculty to enter their activities in Faculty 180 and submit other required evaluation materials to their supervisor.
  • May 1 is the deadline for supervisors to complete evaluations and meet with faculty to discuss them (as appropriate).
  • May 15 is the deadline for faculty to acknowledge the evaluation (and for it to be available to the dean).

Primary Differences from Last Spring

The primary differences between the process we used last spring and the one we’re using this term are the following:

  1. Faculty can choose to include an optional Pandemic Impact Statement, but they are not required to do so. See Guidelines for Optional Pandemic Impact Statements. The purpose of a Pandemic Impact Statement is to 1) enable faculty to make relevant, but potentially invisible impacts on their work visible and 2) provide current and future reviewers the context and information that they need to perform a fair, contextualized review of the faculty member’s performance and contributions. It is not meant to create an additional burden on faculty. By recognizing and documenting pandemic impacts through the evaluation process, the variable impacts of the pandemic will be less likely to exacerbate existing inequalities or to create new ones. Workshops will be offered for more information.
  2. Expedited reviews will not be mandated. Faculty will be expected to follow the practices and expectations of their department/program/school/college in completing a self-evaluation (or the equivalent) this year, but we do ask that they include the brief template language provided somewhere in their materials. Doing so is important for future reviewers to understand the context of the evaluations.

As was the option last year, faculty may also elect to apply post-hoc workload adjustments, and we have created more resources to guide faculty in doing so: How to Enter Workload in Faculty 180 is a guide for understanding workload that includes instructions for entering workload in Faculty 180 and for using the post-hoc workload adjustments. This year we also have calculators that faculty can copy and use to determine their workload. Workshops will be offered, as well, and Michelle Payne will have drop-in appointments available.

2021 Workload Calculators (9-month Faculty)

2021 Workload Calculators (10-12-month Faculty)